DraugdinLord: Ok Thanks a lot with serial numbers - IT WORKS.
But only in local games so we are able to play with my brother.
But the problem with connecting to internet multiplayer games is still on. I mean when I am trying to log to internet games is show me info " Connection to mainserver failed. Some options of multiplayer games may be not active"
And after then i get a list of internet multiplayer games but it is empty. When I click on "connect" I recive info "please try to log or connect under another (different) nickname"
This Is happening when I am trying to log under my known nichname and when i was trying with option "create new account"
Please tell me what is wrong with this multiplayers games and how to fix it.
Thanks a lot ;-)
You are getting the same messages as everyone else since gamespy no longer works. I believe the only way you can now join a server is through "Direct Connect". You click that and then write the IP and port of the person who acting as the server.