The game is finished!
The adventurers found a glowing orb of magic which compelled them to take it back upstairs. But the ///Knights stood in their way. The orb provided them all with magic missiles to completely decimate their attackers.
But upon the top floor, just before they left the ruins, they found the Leader of the /// group (They call themselves the "Three Levels" -- after the 3 levels of the dungeon).
The heroes learned that ages ago, the land was filled with magic. And great people came out of a magic-filled land. Great, but not always good. And Leefe had fallen through many Dark Ages -- times where powerful evil people murdered many.
In a time of peace, the rulers of Leefe decided to create a Magically resistant home for Magic to reside in. And they forced it down into the home -- which was constructed in an old and secret crypt. Magic flooded necromantic energies into the dead, making them undead. Just being near the concentrated form of Magic was enough to grant immortality -- though not the same immortality that you might want.
The Leader said that the Three-Level clan was destroyed by the heroes. He was all that was left. And even he was now infected by Magic. So everyone would need to stay in the 3-level dungeon until the end of time -- and Magic would ensure their life even after their flesh had rotted off. And they would defend the dungeon forever.
But the adventurers could also leave the ruins and Magic would be free to be released. Indeed, Magic inside of them was compelling them to leave.
While two heroes battled the leader, Corian sped out of the ruins and magic flooded the entire Land of Leefe, ending a 900-year Age of Nature. And starting The Age of Magic.
The others were beaten by the Leader and his new-found magical powers. But they were not dead. Instead, when they gained consciousness, they found the Leader dead by his own hands. Magic, being outside of the ruins, was able to deactivate the anti-magical properties of the ruins. And it pulled its magic out of the Leader. And it let him die.
For our heroes, however, they now possess the only magical powers and equipment ever seen in the entire land. They will be heroes, maybe even kings or queens. But not for long. For Magic is now in the land. And ancient evils and powers are awakening. Now the land will need more than just a handful of heroes to protect it. Now Magic must be relearned all over again. And the best place to learn it may be by studying the most recent births in the land. For these children have fire in their eyes like none other.
Thanks for playing guys! If you have any questions about what happened, feel free to ask.