threp: Emailed Pathea. Got a response - quickly, so impressed with that.
"We just asked our publisher about the GOG update, they said they delayed the update for some tec issues. They will let GOG update asap."
I remember they said that about 6 or 7 updates ago, that seems like some default line they always use... this developer doesn't have GOG on their mind at all unless people start complaining... they apparently update the game here the super old school way by prepping it, uploading it and waiting for GOG to give it to us rather than use the developer tools that have been around for quite some time now that let developers update the game as easily and instantly as they do on Steam so Galaxy users don't have to wait
I wound up grabbing the game cheap through Green Man Gaming so I can have it on Steam... love the game, but the GOG release is a train-wreck... they should just de-list it here and give everyone that bought it here refunds