DieRuhe: Anything been done about random crashes?
I remember positing sometime ago about the relatively large number of crashes and the game's tendency to "choke on itself" during large, long battles. Can't find the post now. Since then performance has improved significantly on my PC without hardware upgrades, so something must've been improved through a patch.
That said, the game still crashes occasionally - mostly when loading a save (the save isn't corrupted, thankfully - the game freezes on the main menu). I've also had a few instances of textures bugging out during large-scale combat. But not it's just "a few instances" rather than "at least once every ten hours of play". I still quick save a lot more than in any other game I play, just in case the occasional crash happens.
TL;DR: Performance and stability has improved, but not all issues have been resolved. I'd still say that you buy and play this "at your own risk".