Posted December 24, 2016
Kaesemeister: So today i updated Warband and for some reason, it still shows 1.170 as the version number.
Can somebody help me please?
b9AcE: The current version of Mount&Blade Warband is 1.170. Can somebody help me please?
The current version of Viking Conquest Reforged Edition is 2.028 (and requires at least M&B:WB version 1.168)
You can see this at TaleWorlds' download sections for respective game.
Currently it seems GoG's distribution system claims to give people that bought M&B:WB (only) a version 2.028, which implies giving us VC, but after installation it does turn out to be M&B:WB 1.170 (which it should have been) and this is also visible from the installer sizes (1.1GB for VC versus 622MB for M&B:WB).