Vanamond3: When mounted and armed with a weapon which do both thrust and swing damage, I only seem to be able to make stabbing motions. If mounted and armed with a weapon which can only do swing damage, I make swing attacks. I suspect it's a setting I changed when new to the game, but which one? Or is the problem something else?
Does this apply to all weapons (including swords)?
Polearms are normally set to work this way So, for example, if you have a wooden staff and no shield (both hands free), you'll be able to swing it in melee but not while mounted. While mounted, it can only be thrust and should ideally be used to deliver couched lance damage, because that's the most efficient attack while on horseback (in Warband).
OTOH, a sword should work the same in melee and on horseback (both swings and thrusts). If swords, one handed axes etc. don't do swings when you're on horseback, check the setting: "Control Attack direction".