blainedeyoung: kill moves
JP - jump-punch
JK - jump kick
1 - low punch
2 - high punch
3 - low kick
4 - high kick
B - block
R - run
right arrow means forward
e.up - move available only when opponent is in the air (either jumping or has been hit into the air)
air - move can be done only in the air (while jumping)
a.air - move available both on ground and in the air
any - finisher can be performed from any distance
cls - closeup distance
swp - sweep distance (length of a leg)
o.swp - just slightly farther than swp (out of sweep)
hlf/mid - exactly half of the screen (middle distance)
far - approximately 2/3rds of screen width
scr - FULL screen width
stage fatalities can only be done on maps with pits
"The Pit" map itself does not require any sequence and a simple uppercut will do fatality
others require a sequence being dialed, followed by an upeprcut
animality is only done after Mercy (special hotkey required, don't remember what)
←+2 - press two buttons simultaneously
4... - tap button rapidly
[←→] - optionally press either of these buttons
hold 2 →→* means keep holding 2, then briefly press the sequence, then release the being-held button
missing distance data means it was lost
question mark ? means data is unknown or not confirmed
notice data has been restored from legacy notes, partially from photos, and therefore, is not 100% correct (particularly, some finisher distance data is controversial)
notice 4 characters from the roster can be switched to their legacy variants (such as Kano MK1); special hotkey must be used while in the roster screen