oldschool: Not a true sequel to M&M 9
Well, unfortunately, this was to be expected. As much as I hoped they would really go "all the way" with being true to the series' roots and bring back sci-fi elements, the Ancients, etc., Ubi said way back when they picked up the franchise that they were going to drop all that. So, status quo on that. Oh well.
oldschool: only 25 hours to complete (according to the project lead) has me really worried.
I recently played MM7 again -- twice. My first time through with an evil party it took me a good long while, but not all that much more than 25 hours. Then I went through with a good party and beat the game in well under 25 hours. So, actually, this isn't all that different from MM6-8 days.
Tallima: I was glad ... to see the 25 hours to complete. Glad, b/c I don't have 500 hours to finish a M&M title anymore
I'm right there with you. Give me a game I can enjoy in and complete within my busy schedule. I don't have the free time I used to as a teenager.
oldschool: One other thing, when were fans consulted about the new game, such as features, combat ect? It looks like Ubisoft is blowing the same smoke out of their asses. /end rant
Let's not just assume they're lying.
It was probably a small group of people who signed a non-disclosure agreement. Since the developer is European, it's entirely plausible that the small group of fans comes from a European M&M fan site. Or maybe some folks from Celestial Heavens. I didn't get the impression from the article that they meant they did some kind of wide open internet poll of anybody who wanted to look and comment.