Waltorious: You don't need to play the first two to understand the storyline of the later games, but there are some loose connections between the first five games so you'll have a better appreciation for the series if you play through all the games.
I was pleasantly surprised by the first two games. I found them quite impressive for how old they are. They definitely play differently though and there are certain frustrating aspects (limited ability to save the game, having to look up spell numbers in the manual, having to make your own maps in MM1, identifying items is annoying unless you look them up in the cluebook). For some, these annoyances spoil the fun of the early games. So don't force yourself to play them.
Having said that, I think they can be very enjoyable once one gets into them so I'd suggest giving them another shot. If MM1 is bothering you too much you can skip to MM2 which is improved in many ways while still playing in a similar manner.
What town did you get stuck in? Was it in MM1? My guess is you got stuck in Dusk? You can technically get out, but you will have to grind for levels until your sorcerer learns the "fly" spell, then you can go outside and cast fly to travel instantly to any outdoor region. This can get you back to Sorpigal. Alternatively, find an item that can cast Fly, like a Magic Carpet (again by grinding on enemies). There also might be a secret way out by searching the dungeon underneath the town and looking for a portal, which will warp you to a different dungeon, from which you can escape. There might be tough enemies down there though.
Thanks for the quick reply, I always grinded my lvls at the start but i accidantly went in a portal that took me in another town, dont know the name but it was the one with those rooms with those guards and those treasure chests. Since I got there teleported I dont know how I travel there on foot, I end up getting slaughtered while going outside the town.