Posted May 12, 2010
Staff +1
Chain Mail +1
Chain Mail
Short Bow +1
Chain Mail
Chain Mail
Padded Armor
Short Sword
Ring Mail
I can take on anything in Sorpigal and Sorpigal Dungeon. I've got the Vellum Scroll, and am tasked to bring it to Erliquin.
I can take on some of the baddies in C-2, but some, like Hippogrifs, Centaurs, and locust plagues, are potentially lethal. Troglodites are inclined to slime me, and there doesn't seem to be any way to cure poison at this stage of the game. Passage to the west is blocked by statues that it seems can only be harmed by magic (last time I tried only my archer, cleric, and sorcerer could do anything at all, and I got murdered). I went to the area to the north one time, and almost immediately got ambushed by nigh-invincible trolls. I went into the Crazed Wizard's Cave one time, and I don't really remember what happened, but it wasn't pretty, and I fear to set foot in again. And I haven't even tried exploring south or east yet.
So, what's recommended next? Grind for EXP in C-2 some more? Explore somewhere else? Try to find some better weapons? Fight more efficiently? Get better characters?
Avoid the edges of the map until you are a bit stronger, as in, stick to B/C/D-2/3. The corners have rather strong enemies. The Wyvern Peaks to the south (C-3) are a pretty good place to explore and get stronger early on. To cure poison you have to head to a temple and pay them, at least before you get access to level 4 spells(character level 7 for a Cleric).