Posted July 13, 2020
Been playing through World of Xeen and absolutely loving it, but I've been unsure about how the elemental magic works in terms of calculating damage and was wondering if anyone here knew more about it. Lots of spells say what type of damage they deal, physical, fire, cold, energy, electric and poison. I'm guessing this is specified because certain enemies have weaknesses you're supposed to exploit, but I checked the manual and couldn't find any information about how exactly elemental damage is calculated vs standard physical damage, and also what types of monsters are weak to what elements. It's also a little confusing since the spell descriptions are worded in a way that suggest they deal a fixed amount of damage a lot of the time (e.g. 40 cold damage for Fantastic Freeze) but I'm guessing you'd deal more or less to a monster you hit with Fantastic Freeze if they're weak or resist cold magic? Or is it more a matter of certain monsters just being able to avoid certain damage types altogether? I've noticed some stuff similar to that such as how ghosts can't be hit with missile weapons, so I wouldn't be surprised if say, Lava Golems wouldn't take any damage from fire magic and such.
One other thing I was wondering about unrelatedly are the traps, specifically the type where standing on a certain tile has you get hit by some gas or flames shooting out of the ground, like the poison gas in the dwarf mines and the curse gas in the sphinx. Is there any way to disarm them if you know where they are? It's annoying any time I'm backtracking through a linear hall and there's seemingly unavoidable damage and status effects that I just have to deal with.
Thanks for your time!
One other thing I was wondering about unrelatedly are the traps, specifically the type where standing on a certain tile has you get hit by some gas or flames shooting out of the ground, like the poison gas in the dwarf mines and the curse gas in the sphinx. Is there any way to disarm them if you know where they are? It's annoying any time I'm backtracking through a linear hall and there's seemingly unavoidable damage and status effects that I just have to deal with.
Thanks for your time!
This question / problem has been solved by dtgreene