therealdadbeard_: Okay so I fixed it for me!
Get dgVoodoo, copy the files from the MS folder to the gamefolder. Then paste the config exe and set it up. I just crankes all the settings. And if you dont want to have super small UI elements force res to your native one and then select a lower one while starting the game with this command line options: -i -x +!
And then I can crank all the settings to the highest. Then I'm using some german patch. Funnily enough is the GOG version somehow incomplete or broken Idk.
After the german patch I get the right ambient music everywhere and the first ingame boss scene is voiced. Seemed to be bugged for me.
Whew! I can't be the only one who still has this problem, but I've tried your solution and unfortunately after the Interplay Entertainment logo, the game either freezes indefinitely until I manually close it from Task Manager or closes itself.
Any other suggestions? O_O