Ryom: I've got this running on my Motorola Xoom tablet and my Samsung Galaxy S2 phone with AnDosBox. I've tried all the top Android Dos emulators (including the Turbo one) and my results are that AnDosBox is the superior version as far as proper emulation and playable speed go. The game runs with sound appropriately (a little crackly momentarily when something intensive is happening such as weapons hitting planetary shields or loading a colony screen).
Since the Xoom and Galaxy S2 are both antiquated devices at this point I'd imagine that the game should run flawlessly on newer hardware. Bear in mind that you WILL need to experiment with the CYCLES setting in the .conf file to find the perfect rate for your device. Make adjustments in 500 unit increments until the sound is distortion free and the planets rotate smoothly when you click to view a star system on the galaxy screen.
MoO2 is a PERFECT way to kill time on my phone and tablet, so amazing to play these while on the go! And yes, the game is amazing on my phone, I actually prefer it over the tablet.
These are the settings from inside the anDosBox app
Default Memory Size = 16
Sound and Speed = Quality mode, Fast core checked
These are the settings to use
while the emulator is running the game (press the menu button on your device) and select the "Settings" menu.
Better Mouse (slower) needs checked or you will have a heck of a time selecting the little arrows on the ship builder screen!
Resize mode (experiment with this on your device for the best visual result... personal preference)
These are my Galaxy S2 settings in anDosBox.conf
#cycles=fixed 28000
[I've deleted the lines between the below and above settings because the defaults are fine]
@Echo Off
mount c: /storage/extSdCard/Games/master~1/master~2
TAKE NOTE: I needed to change SBTYPE to = sb16 to get audio! Make sure you use that setting if you want sound :)
Ironically enough I have both the galaxy s 2 and a Xoom. Thanks for the assistance on the s2 but I am having the hardest time getting it to work on my Xoom. Could you list out the autoexe and any other hints or tips on how it goes wrong after you have the autoexe pat done and how you got it to work on your Xoom? The more details the better I have been chimping around for 2 days now trying every permutation I've seen on the forums. Thank you very much if you can help me out.