rupert1435: Haha Ok thank you for leting me know this tactic.I played MOM many times but surely I am not that good in rules.
Do you have any unbeatable combination in this game ?
There are a number of super-powered combinations, but I don't think there is any truly unbeatable combo. There are simply too many holes to plug.
-11 Death books, taking Wraiths as your start
-Halfling Slingers supported by lots of Life books
-Alchemy + Trolls
-Artificer + Runemaster
Every color has some Very Rare global enchantments that are massively powerful. Armageddon, Herb Mastery, Crusade, Time Stop, and Zombie Mastery, for instance.
As stated previously, Web + Crack's Call can be the end of any unit that isn't Non-Corporeal. Everyone gets access to different dispel magic type spells (Dispel Magic, Disenchant Area, Disjunction), so nothing is completely safe. Even a fully decked out Torin can be brought down, just a matter of finding a point of (relative) weakness.
It is actually kind of hard to pick a start that DOESN'T have a strength somewhere.