joevaccarelli: I purchased Mafia 2 which is presently on sale on GOG for $7.99 (with all DLC). I have a WIN10 machine and I keep getting an "Installation Failed" error. Has anyone else seen that and know how to deal with that? Thank you.
I got the same problem with Galaxy. Next stop, GOG Downloader...
It does claim on the game card page that Windows 10 is included.
Might be useful to contact support if nothing else works.
I thought about doing the 'verifying' thing through Galaxy but it seemed to take quite a long while.
Ah there is another possibility:
"For anyone else who have had this problem. I have fixed it, what I simply did was turn off my anti-virus. If you turn it back on while installed, it will remove the .exe required for Mafia II to run.
When the game is finally working, you need to go back into your antivirus settings and tell the antivirus software than the Mafia II program executable is a safe file and to exclude it from system."
I'm not too comfortable disabling my virus protection program, though.
edit: GOG Downloader version actually works no problem - no tinkering necessary.