Posted September 06, 2023
This is corrected in the latest development version. In the production manager we already tracked down half a dosen reimplementation issues, hopefully this was the last of them.
Cursed-Ghost: Another glitch I notice is that the when you click on a research centre and look at total this is displaying incorrectly at the moment I have 2 habitats which make 6 personnel however when I click on my research centres total is only displaying 2 when it should be displaying 6, and yes both habitats are connected to the complex. The original behavior is preserved. The research center total metric shows the sum of running centers versus total count of reserach centers.
The original behavior is preserved. The normal raw materials consumption rate of Training Halls is 1. So 1 raw materials is consumed per turn. The Infantry cost is 2 cargo, thus it finishes in two turns. The infiltrator cost is 9 cargo, so it takes nine turns times 1 raw material. The mining stations of the given complex will show 1 material consumed per turn, yes.
Cursed-Ghost: Another glitch I just noticed after capturing one of the alien fighter bombers and destroying one of the gray teams missile crawlers, it didn’t leave a patch of debris now I know this can happen when attacking targets such as scouts that are on coastal tiles but since missile crawlers can’t move on to coastal tiles since they are unable to traverse water then destroying a missile crawler should always leave a patch of debris. I spent close to an hour and could not reproduce this issue. I also looked into the relevant algorithm and the decision logic cannot discriminate destroyed units that are standing only on normal land.
Cursed-Ghost: The tile marked in this screen shot however seems to be defective in 1.04 and maxport and for some reason it is in-passable even though there is nothing there and I should be able to move a unit on to it. I added this to the original defects list as defect 198. This can only be fixed if the map itself is regenerated. I cannot distribute Interplay game assets, so cannot fix this (yet).
Cursed-Ghost: When alien units upgrade the wrong message is being displayed as you can see in this screen shot. Thanks, fixed it.
Cursed-Ghost: another glitch I've noticed is that when i press Alt Gr + L to do a quick reload it doesn't work The game uses the USB Keyboard keycode/scancode map. The original game used the MS-DOS DPMI server US layout (by default). I cannot fix this until a locale aware human input interface is implemented. It is on the roadmap under package 7, Localization.
Cursed-Ghost: Another glitch i just noticed for some reason the computer isn’t doing a collision check when trying to build and is therefore able to built in places where it shouldn't be able to notice how the computer dock is built on top of the alien gunboat this shouldn't be possible, I've seen this happen in 1.04 also This is caused by the notorious hash map glitch I mentioned above. Without a save game just before the issue occurs it is futile effort to try to fix it. Lets hope that players will be able to produce a relevant saved game.
Cursed-Ghost: Another glitch i just noticed is that cost reductions are not being applied correctly. The original behavior is preserved. The goal of build rate X1 X2 X4 selection is to speed up production on the expense of excess material usage. Check the in-game help for the X2 and X4 buttons which says the same. At 20% cost reduction the mining station turns attribute is decreased from 12 to 10 turns demand. At X1 rate raw consumption per turn is 2 cargo, at X2 its 8 cargo, at X4 its 24 cargo consumption per turn. So 56 total cost over 3 turns comes from: 2 turns at X4 rate for 2 * 24 cargo + 1 turn at X2 rate for 8 cargo = 3 turns (4+4+2 rate = 10 turns demand) for 24+24+8 = 56 cargo.
Cursed-Ghost: However if you actually want to build said mine in 5 turns you have to load up the builder with 56 materials even though the cost is now only 50 materials clearly I added this to the original defects list as defect 197.
Cursed-Ghost: There seems to be a glitch with the mini map in that it doesn’t appear to be updating in real time properly, this is most evident on the first turn. I know about this issue, but did not find the root cause for it yet. The MAXSPY part of the report is a different story. I agree that every unit shall always be at an up to date location on the minimap and now this is not satisfied.
Cursed-Ghost: when I increase the resolution from 640x480 to 800x600 the map isn’t being stretched to the edge of the window This is a limitation of the original game engine. In M.A.X. 1 the GUI is drawn and the tactical map on top of it. In M.A.X. 2 the order is swapped. In M.A.X. 1 the original tactical map drawer or renderer algorithm is a super efficient and cunning, but huge assembly routine. The super duper optimizations take a big toll. The algorithm cannot render anything that is not a 64x64 pixel shape. I was able to reimplement the assembly code in C language, but I cannot claim that I understand all the wicked tricks of the algorithm to be able to change it (yet). Without fully understanding the algorithm there is no way to life the 64x64 pixel limitation. As at 800x600 resolution the black tactical map screen area is not a multiple of 64x64 pixels, there will be gaps and I cannot do anything against this (yet). After the SW renderer is reworked, e.g. GUI is drawn on top of tactical map like in M.A.X. 2, this issue will go away.
I have no CRT monitors anymore (unfortunately). I cannot test this. "Scale quality: 0 - Nearest neighbor" is the closest thing to the original VESA BIOS output. It is supposed to be pixel perfect output. Your video is not downloadable anymore, but regardless, I do not think I would be able to do anything about this.

The original behavior is preserved. The normal raw materials consumption rate of Training Halls is 1. So 1 raw materials is consumed per turn. The Infantry cost is 2 cargo, thus it finishes in two turns. The infiltrator cost is 9 cargo, so it takes nine turns times 1 raw material. The mining stations of the given complex will show 1 material consumed per turn, yes.

I have no CRT monitors anymore (unfortunately). I cannot test this. "Scale quality: 0 - Nearest neighbor" is the closest thing to the original VESA BIOS output. It is supposed to be pixel perfect output. Your video is not downloadable anymore, but regardless, I do not think I would be able to do anything about this.