ledna42: I went to ATI Manufacter and there is a series of questions
1. Select type of system
2. Select the product family your product belongs to
3. Select your Product
4. Select the supported operating System that you have
Do I have to answer this questions or just download where it says download?
Yes, but when the AMD autodetect successfully ran and said that you're up-to-date, then you probably don't need to install it manually. Though it doesn't hurt either.
ledna42: Another question. I uninstalled the game. I am going to download it again. When It is don they ask me (save as text documents (*txt) Should I do it?
Something's wrong there. You're maybe trying to download the wrong file (e.g. the website).
I've added a screenshot of the gameshelf.
- Set the GOG.com Downloader mode to off (see screenshot, upper right corner)
- Now click with the left mouse button on "Windows installer, English (part 1 of 3)"
- If you're asked, choose to save the file
- If you're asked for a location, choose the Desktop
- When the first part has finished downloading, click the next and save it in the same location (e.g. the desktop)
- When you've downloaded all 4 files, double-click on "setup_lucius_2.0.0.7" to start the installation
- After installing the game, double-click on "patch_lucius_2.0.1.8" to install the Universal update
And disable Avast virus protector while installing and running the game! Avast is known for causing troubles with running games from time to time.