dtgreene: Out of curiosity, is it actually possible to max out every skill on a character?
Basically, field with cereals gives you 130 gold once every 48 in-game hours. So you can buy stuff "indefinitely" and sacrifice it for EXP, gaining more levels...
In my cheated save I have maxed all useful skills rather fast (at Lv.70 -80 or so). Eventually I maxed out all skills, so they started accumulating without ability to choose anything.
dtgreene: Another thing to note: some characters need more skill points than others. My Arcane Soldier, for instance, needs very few skill points to be effective.
People also say that Arcane Soldier is very bad at high levels.
dtgreene: Edit: My stance on respecialization is that it makes it easier to play around with the game and experiment. I also like the idea of choosing your setup based on what you expect to encounter in the next area, or changing your setup to deal with a tricky boss fight.
When I played World of Warcraft, they had exact change from semi-permanent talent tree builds to situational. It made for very boring and sterile gameplay, those new situational talents could as well not be there.
dtgreene: One other thing: Having speed give you more actions is, IMO, too powerful.
You are doing it right by not looking into Bestiary from Deluxe Edition. Without much spoilers I'll tell you that enemies gain in speed very fast. Without investing into Speed, they'll be going first AND making couple turns per each of your own. Also Speed increases evasion and it increases duration of beneficial buffs (by increasing amount of turns you benefit from them). It scales just that good. With low Speed i also see no way to complete Arena. Did you try Arena yet btw?
Other stats are also useful, but they don't give as much benefits. You will miss a lot despite putting points into Str and Agi each level and won't gain much noticeable damage benefits. And remember that high enemy speed works other way around for you.
E.g., mushroom fight - you don't get first turn and shrooms might quickly catch you in cycle of hurting without giving you any chance to break through. With high speed, you can react and use Song of Stunning and quickly burn through one of them before you are nuked away.