Posted August 18, 2015

During the boss fight, my mage never got to act because of sleep and the damage dealt by Flame Strike (that skill, at level 1, is incredibly powerful with a good weapon). The boss silenced my party, but my bard happened to go next and silence didn't prevent her from using the song that cures silence. (If you don't have a bard, this might be a good spell to have a scroll of handy just in case.)
The enemies in the woods die easily to Flame Strike and drop herbs on death. It seems that all physical attacks have a 100% chance of hitting them. (Is there any way to increase this any higher than that?)
The party is ready to reach level 15. (By the way, my mage did not learn Lightning at the previous level because she already has enough useful spells. Are there any cases where this spell would work well when lower level spells wouldn't?)
Edit: After leveling up, my party has little money and is close to leveling up again. Do you know of any quests around this point that give lots of money but very little experience?
Later during the game lower level spells become completely useless because of the low damage. Once I have reached demons I only used Lightning / Thunder Storm and Frostball. I'm now one level away from Comet Shower.
You can see how much gold and XP the quests give by looking at the active missions in the game log (after you accept the quests from the city trainers)