Khadgar42: -Randomness
So when you upgrade some rune/loot you just get a random upgrade,
it's not that it matters what kind of other runes you invest into upgrade procedure, right?
-Charging Speed?
Is that the amount of time you need for the spell to become a fully charged critical hit?
-Projectile Speed?
Is it better than spell casting speed? Is it working with rays, too?
-Spell casting Speed?
Is this the time you need to cast the basic (uncharged version) of the spell?
-Homing Bonus
Yay, sounds cool but how does that work? Some monster jump out of the way of my missiles anyway.
Alright, I'll try to answer your question with how the game seemed to work when i play
-If for upgrade you mean fusing spells together and composing a new one, then no, the resulting parameters of the new spell you create are quite definite and not random, you can see the end statistic clearly before finalizing, that's it if you set everything to manual of course, composing every single spell yourself
If for upgrade you mean the recycling thingy, then yes, the result it's random
-Yes, it's the time required to charge a spell so it become critical and guarantee the maximum effectiveness potential. Mind you that maximum effectiveness doesn't mean maximum damage or maximum mastery (weakness to damage status effect),but only that potentially you can reach from 150% to 200% of the basic spell effectiveness on hit
This can translate to 1.5 to 3 times more damage depending on some random factor plus mastery. If mastery is charged twice on the same target using the other 2 elements/sphere, and themselves have been fully charged, you can reach with some luck and some very well constructed spell, more then 500.000 damage at the end of the combo. Nearly at the end of the game
Pretty much is the time necessary to maximize your attack potential on hit
-Projectile speed is pretty much describing itself. Lightning is Very fast, while disease and fear, not so much. The only ray attack i remember is lighting, and it's nearly instantaneous at medium range
-Spell casting speed is the minimum time necessary to cast the spell, you can easily notice even at the beginning of the game, the tutorial part, that even releasing the attack button immediately, the spell still take always a minim time to launch
-Homing bonus doesn't seems to work for every kind of projectile. In my play only disease gained some homing capabilities, but maybe it can influence the compensation respective to the visualized more central target on the screen, giving the player a small margin of error and still hit
Not sure, didn't notice much bout that
As for the spheres, i noticed that unfortunately, Lighting/Fire/Force are pretty much the only one you'll ever need in this game, as nothing is more effective then wiping out your enemy in the least time possible
Tactics and strategy have a very limited application in this game. Still cool tough.