I just wanted to point out that Estranged2 is wrong in his review.
According to the bug ticket from eriktorbjorn's link, the game itself is bugged.
If you get out of the hooker's room through the stairs instead out of the window, you won't get shot if you shoplift.
I've tried to replicate the bug on ScummVM 2.0 (the one shipped with the game on GOG), the current newest version (2.9) and on DOSBOX Staging 0.81.
On ScummVM 2.0, the bug happens if you leave the hooker room through the stairs.
On DOSBOX, the bug also happens if you leave the hooker room through the stairs.
On ScummVM 2.9, the bug no longer happens because sluicebox created a workaround the bug in question
https://github.com/scummvm/scummvm/commit/ee5a70598e7143643bc8d686787825b2f8845be4 ]
https://github.com/scummvm/scummvm/commit/ee5a70598e7143643bc8d686787825b2f8845be4 [/url]
it's not a ScummVM bug, it's a bug in the game itself.
In case anyone wants a walkthrough to test the bug:
http://allowe.com/images/Larry/WalkThrus/LSL1%20Walkthru%20CGA.pdf Also, don't forget to type "fast" or "fastest" to change the game speed. Normal is just too slow.