RickBac: I have 2 areas I am a little stuck
the 3 x 3 room of tiles. Is there a pattern to this. I can not see it.
Also, the room with the long pit hall, Am i missing a button to push as I go down the hall to close the pits on the other end?
Dazed and confused
I pressume you mean the first step of the trials of thought when you mention the 3x3 room, with portals. its jus about taking steps correctly so you dont get caught with portalls all around you, since when u step on a plate, all the plates connected to it swap from portal to nothing or nothing to portal. so the simple thing is, always move so that you have atleast 1 portal next to you so u have an open path, and as u go along ull get to the switch on the side to open the door and then work ureself to the door.
for the long pit corridor i pressume the 2nd part of time and tide? as my predessesor said there is a button on the 2nd plate to he right to acess a side lane. as for getting threw the gate in the end u need to throw something over the pit at the end onto the pressure plate to get the gate open