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I started the game but the introduction is of poor quality: full of pixels
On the internet, I see HD versions, where to find them ?

Screen :

Post edited October 10, 2018 by Thunker
Thunker: On the internet, I see HD versions, where to find them ?
Curious to know where you're seeing such things. If you're referring to any of the number of YouTube uploads with "HD" tacked onto them, then it's unlikely it's in reference to the game's CGI cutscenes and more likely in reference to the video on YouTube itself.
Thunker: On the internet, I see HD versions, where to find them ?
TheMonkofDestiny: Curious to know where you're seeing such things. If you're referring to any of the number of YouTube uploads with "HD" tacked onto them, then it's unlikely it's in reference to the game's CGI cutscenes and more likely in reference to the video on YouTube itself.
I mean HD version of cutscene like this :

The intro is not pixelated as my screenshot
Thunker: I mean HD version of cutscene like this :

The intro is not pixelated as my screenshot
That's not in HD either. Your screenshot posted is at 1920x1080 resolution and much of the pixelation happening in it is likely due to that fact. The CGI cutscenes don't scale accordingly and look terrible as a result.

In that particular video, it looks like they're playing the game at a smaller resolution, given the pillarboxing when viewed in fullscreen (YouTube's own stats put it at 640x480 but that may just be the video itself and not the in-game resolution - sadly there's no details on the page for the latter) which helps the CGI cutscene(s) not become as badly distorted as they seem to be in your screenshot.
Thunker: I mean HD version of cutscene like this :

The intro is not pixelated as my screenshot
TheMonkofDestiny: That's not in HD either. Your screenshot posted is at 1920x1080 resolution and much of the pixelation happening in it is likely due to that fact. The CGI cutscenes don't scale accordingly and look terrible as a result.

In that particular video, it looks like they're playing the game at a smaller resolution, given the pillarboxing when viewed in fullscreen (YouTube's own stats put it at 640x480 but that may just be the video itself and not the in-game resolution - sadly there's no details on the page for the latter) which helps the CGI cutscene(s) not become as badly distorted as they seem to be in your screenshot.
So what can i do ? Change resolution ?
Thunker: So what can i do ? Change resolution ?
Since the game doesn't natively come with an option to run via windowed mode, it wouldn't really make a specific difference if you did (it would still be stretching the visuals without scaling them, resulting in a loss of visual fidelity).

I think (though I have not tried this personally) it is possible to run the game windowed through use of external applications. DxWnd may be able to accomplish it. D3DWindower is another, though it is my understanding that it isn't as easy to use as DxWnd. It may also be possible to accomplish it via graphics card control panels but again, I've never tried any of these myself.
Decided to try this myself. I had no luck using DxWnd with the game (it's entirely possible that's an error on my behalf and not the program, however) but did see success running the game windowed (I arbitrarily chose to run it at 1024x768, which I believe was the max resolution the game could initially run at when first released) using D3DWindower. The CGI cutscene quality is not great, but it's not being stretched to fill a resolution that it (likely) wasn't made to be displayed in either.
TheMonkofDestiny: Decided to try this myself. I had no luck using DxWnd with the game (it's entirely possible that's an error on my behalf and not the program, however) but did see success running the game windowed (I arbitrarily chose to run it at 1024x768, which I believe was the max resolution the game could initially run at when first released) using D3DWindower. The CGI cutscene quality is not great, but it's not being stretched to fill a resolution that it (likely) wasn't made to be displayed in either.
I'm surprised that gog did not do anything to fix this problem: no one complained about that ?
GOG probably can't do anything about it. For most people, playing the game itself in a modern resolution is going to be top priority and the patch that they misappropriated (according to one of its creators - Wrace/wrace./Hate_gog/Hate SE) handles that and GOG as a whole prioritizes more toward having the game (generally) run on its customers operating systems than it does most other issues.
To Thunker: try this solution (I made some improvements for bink-engine, may be this will help you). Or just try dgVoodoo.
TheMonkofDestiny: GOG probably can't do anything about it. For most people, playing the game itself in a modern resolution is going to be top priority and the patch that they misappropriated (according to one of its creators - Wrace/wrace./Hate_gog/Hate SE) handles that and GOG as a whole prioritizes more toward having the game (generally) run on its customers operating systems than it does most other issues.
All these people (Wrace/wrace./Hate_gog/Hate SE) are one man. I am. Just "special nicknames" for Square Enix (there is limitation on the number of letters in nickname - must be at least 6), gog (thieves) and Steam (SE really did nothing for LOK-games on Steam and do not want to do anything in further + have bad hands) forums. ;)

P.S.: and yes, there are more better bink-movies (links on them) in the one of the sticked threads on this forum.
Post edited October 11, 2018 by Hate_gog
Hate_gog: All these people (Wrace/wrace./Hate_gog/Hate SE) are one man. I am.
I'm aware. Why do you think I wrote

according to one of its creators
and then proceeded to list your aliases? ;)

(For clarification - I'm in agreement with how badly GOG treated you in regards to them taking advantage of the patch you hosted formerly at your site and them not having common decency to provide the minimal amount of respect/thanks for you allowing them to distribute it as they have)
Post edited October 11, 2018 by TheMonkofDestiny
Hate_gog: To Thunker: try this solution (I made some improvements for bink-engine, may be this will help you). Or just try dgVoodoo.
TheMonkofDestiny: GOG probably can't do anything about it. For most people, playing the game itself in a modern resolution is going to be top priority and the patch that they misappropriated (according to one of its creators - Wrace/wrace./Hate_gog/Hate SE) handles that and GOG as a whole prioritizes more toward having the game (generally) run on its customers operating systems than it does most other issues.
Hate_gog: All these people (Wrace/wrace./Hate_gog/Hate SE) are one man. I am. Just "special nicknames" for Square Enix (there is limitation on the number of letters in nickname - must be at least 6), gog (thieves) and Steam (SE really did nothing for LOK-games on Steam and do not want to do anything in further + have bad hands) forums. ;)

P.S.: and yes, there are more better bink-movies (links on them) in the one of the sticked threads on this forum.
What is dgVoodoo ?
Thunker: What is dgVoodoo ?
Thunker: What is dgVoodoo ?
So the person who plays the game on my link used a program like that ?
I have no idea. At the very least, from the pillarboxed intro in the video, they replaced the intro cinematic video with either the 16:9 or 16:10 version of the file from the last post of the thread Hate_gog provided a link to (I honestly didn't think to go back into that thread to see if Paradoks had updated it, I wished I had now).