Posted November 13, 2013

New User
Registered: Feb 2009
From Italy

Mt 10,33
Registered: Dec 2009
From Poland
Posted November 15, 2013
Well, I'm afraid that the only news is that I'm really busy at college, so it will take longer than expected. However most of the information that I'm intending to add can be found in other threads on this forum (most relating to SR1 technical problems), it's just not easily available. The only things that are not here yet are Nosgoth links and Defiance voice sessions. I'll try to update as soon as I can but it will probably be around Christmas.

New User
Registered: Dec 2012
From United States
Posted December 17, 2013
The link to the "" file is broken. Does anyone have a working link?

Mt 10,33
Registered: Dec 2009
From Poland

New User
Registered: Jun 2012
From Brazil

New User
Registered: Apr 2012
From Italy
Posted February 08, 2014

Found this thread. A working link at last. =D

custard tart
Registered: Jun 2013
From Portugal
Posted February 17, 2014
[snipped for brevity reasons]
I'm sick and tired of modders and modding communities being total drama queens when it comes to these sorts of issues. You want acknowledgement for your work? Okay, thank you, from the bottom of my heart, as a Legacy of Kain series long time fan, for working on ways to make the games work. Seriously. Thank you, you guys have done a wonderful job. But now, please, just let GOG keep selling the games, ok? Let them keep doing what they do best. It's not like you were getting paid or acknowledged before GOG started selling the games, so learn to live with it. It's sad, it's frustrating, but, unfortunately, it's the way it is.
I can live with losing Re-Volt, it's not that great a game, as fun as it can be, but Soul Reaver?! Soul Reaver is too good to be removed from the GOG catalog, and if you guys love the game as much as I do, then you agree with me, and you also agree that the more people have access to it, the better. So, please, enough of these attitudes, and let GOG keep the games. I want more people to be able to buy them, especially the Legacy of Kain titles, because new players have the right to play these amazing games, as well.
[EDIT] I don't think any moderator will erase or edit your post, that's not the way GOG works, and so far I've never experienced anything like that -- aside some editing of thread titles that contained lots of profanity and vulgar language.
Post edited March 26, 2024 by Lue

Dust Incarnate
Registered: Oct 2013
From United States

finding balance
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States
Posted June 22, 2014

I don't have the GOG version of the games at the time of writing so I don't know how compatible some of the things are (or whether they are already included), so some information may be redundant. I'll remove it later if it is not necessary.
Legacy o Kain: Soul Reaver

Classic Tyro
Registered: Feb 2009
From United States
Posted June 26, 2014

The patches and other tools should be available if you go to the Lost Worlds site and look up each game:

Indignant and infamous
Registered: Jul 2009
From Russian Federation
Posted June 27, 2014
There is now a working 16:9 widescreen mod for Soul Reaver 2.

New User
Registered: Oct 2010
From Brazil
Posted August 28, 2014
Can anyone link the fixed (widescreen) Soul Reaver 2 exe?

Indignant and infamous
Registered: Jul 2009
From Russian Federation

Mt 10,33
Registered: Dec 2009
From Poland
Posted September 13, 2014
So, I'm still alive and I haven't forgotten about this topic. It's just that the things are little hectic on my end right now. If all goes well I'll update the original post at some point in late October.

New User
Registered: Sep 2012
From Brazil
Posted November 28, 2014
Hey Paradoks, any estimative on when you can update the op? Because that proper intro for Soul Reaver 1 would hit the spot just about now. ;)