I've played for a few hours. Lovely game, can't wait for updates! :)
And not just the gameplay, I also absolutely love the humour and the easter eggs :DD Also, I can't wait to find out
what else loos will be used for... :D
Here are some bugs I found: - If I try to ride a pig while an item (an apple in my case) is selected, then the item will float far above me while riding the pig.
Pitcure, with an apple floating above me, to the left. Since that was my 1st time trying to ride the pig, I don't know if the completely static, rider-sprite of my char is due to the alpha state, or a bug.
- My top-right clock disappeared for days. Not even sleeping brought it back. It reappeared when I used my pickaxe. I wish I could provide information about when exactly it disappeared, but I just... happened to notice that it's missing after it's been missing for idk how long :(
- Plants I destroy with my sickle grow back immediately once I leave and return to the map.
I cut these, and they grew back when I left the map and returned. - The picture is a bit dark, but you can still see
that I use the bed in a rather... unique way. No, I did not collapse in front of the bed, and yes it happened all the time I used the bed.
- While it's a bit annoying that the game does not pause when the inventory/journal/etc is open, I can accept it. However, it seems it doesn't pause in the menu either. I still had around 3~4 hours left from the day. Pressed ESC, did some real-life business, came back, resume game, I collapsed immediately like if I ran out of daytime.
- On the map with Hazel Nutt and the cats, there was a cat at the entrance. I petted it then asked it to follow me. It then... spawned like haf a dozen cats of different colors that started running towards Hazel Nutt's direction.
Random thoughts: - I feel that the days are too short, but maybe it's just me
- In the druida festival, were those people.... dancing in front of the staute? The way they were rapidly moving and turning left and right made it feel like they were having a seizure o.o
I'm pretty sure her name was told to me already. It's wasn't her who told me, but still.
- Getting the gamepad instructions while playing with a keyboard is confusing =/
- I LOVE the proverb-clues! :)) Another thing I love are the different kinds of performers on the stage in the village.
Super-minor graphics glitches: Yes, yes I know this is an alpha, so stuff like this are expected, and absolutely not top priority now, but still, better report than not :)
"Replace empty" text is out of the box. This human-monster appered in the druida festival. I could just walk through some items, like if they weren't there. Namely:
this stone,
this wooden...thing,
this tree I don't understand how this crib works. Ripples on a bridge. Roots of a tree clipping through my head. This tiny red mushroom clipped through my body. Dirt clipping through my body. A cave mushroom growing by the wall clipping through me. The way I walk behind grass here is.... weird. I'm standing in the bowl :D Other than these random things, I'm having fun, although I'm just a few days in :D Keep up the good work, I can't wait to see what the updates bring :)