Posted April 27, 2013

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Registered: Dec 2012
From Germany

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From United Kingdom

New User
Registered: Dec 2012
From Germany
Posted April 28, 2013
Compatibility mode should force it to run on one core, so I'm not sure what else could be causing the mission triggers to break. Maybe speedstep?
I can have a look at the BIOS settings and deactivate one thing or another there for testing though, I'll pst the results here.
Post edited April 28, 2013 by damarcus

Addicted Gamer
Registered: Dec 2012
From South Africa
Posted April 29, 2013
Compatibility mode should force it to run on one core, so I'm not sure what else could be causing the mission triggers to break. Maybe speedstep?

I can have a look at the BIOS settings and deactivate one thing or another there for testing though, I'll pst the results here.

New User
Registered: Jul 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted May 09, 2013

New User
Registered: Dec 2010
From Taiwan
Posted June 25, 2013
I've been getting this problem too, although I'm using an i5-3470 (4-core). It appears for me about 2-3 hours in, which is lucky because I can usually complete missions before this. Not sure if game speed has an effect; I'm using about medium speed IIRC.
- Bringing up pause menu still counts towards time
- Completing one mission and moving onto another still counts towards the time; to be safe restart the game before attempting any long missions
For those having problems completing missions quicker, here are some tips:
- Attack the tankers! Compared to CnC the economy is ridiculously expensive to set up; killing tankers will severely cripple enemies.
- Set up two oil/stations and put two tankers on each for the ideal economy
- Towers are way OP in this game! Find out where the AI is attacking, either seal off with walls or put a tower or two behind walls. That's all the turtling you need.
- Bringing up pause menu still counts towards time
- Completing one mission and moving onto another still counts towards the time; to be safe restart the game before attempting any long missions
For those having problems completing missions quicker, here are some tips:
- Attack the tankers! Compared to CnC the economy is ridiculously expensive to set up; killing tankers will severely cripple enemies.
- Set up two oil/stations and put two tankers on each for the ideal economy
- Towers are way OP in this game! Find out where the AI is attacking, either seal off with walls or put a tower or two behind walls. That's all the turtling you need.
Post edited June 25, 2013 by c_xong

New User
Registered: Jun 2013
From United Kingdom
Posted July 28, 2013
I been getting this too,
got one on the mission Convey after building a mobile outpost didn't like that all.
got a lot of them on a mission in the west fighting series 9's the surfing mission?
a link or a bug update for these issues would be quite welcome
got one on the mission Convey after building a mobile outpost didn't like that all.
got a lot of them on a mission in the west fighting series 9's the surfing mission?
a link or a bug update for these issues would be quite welcome

New User
Registered: Oct 2011
From United States
Posted November 13, 2013
I have this problem as well. To my experience, this ONLY happens to me whenever I bring up the in game options. (Esc button) I'm not 100% sure if It happens when the menu is simply opened, but I KNOW it happens whenever something within that window is used, Such as save, load (if I load a save game it's almost always a guaranteed failure sine you obviously have to open the menu to save it and it remembers) mission briefing, etc. More or less as long as I don't hit Esc, I don't get the random mission fail. I hope this provides some new insight to anyone working to resolve this. Also, I've noticed whenever you hit Esc the cursor gets really choppy, like the fps drops exponentially. Again, not sure why this happens. If anyone comes across a solution, please inform us?

New User
Registered: Oct 2011
From United States
Posted November 13, 2013
Okay I tested what happens when you hit the ESC button if nothing is used within the menu, after a certain point (roughly about when you would get the mission failed after actually using an option in the menu) it won't let you build any units. At least for me. And this is not due to a maximum unit amount in any way (the bar is still green). Hope this helps at least a little.
Okay I tested what happens when you hit the ESC button if nothing is used within the menu, after a certain point (roughly about when you would get the mission failed after actually using an option in the menu) it won't let you build any units. At least for me. And this is not due to a maximum unit amount in any way (the bar is still green). Hope this helps at least a little.

New User
Registered: Sep 2012
From United Kingdom
Posted January 15, 2014
Having the same problem with random fails. I'm guessing there's no solution at this point then? I always thought there was a patch that solved it, but going to Melbourne House page it doesn't seem available anymore.

By Toutatis!
Registered: Jan 2011
From South Africa
Posted January 18, 2014

Luckily I only encountered the bug on about 2/3 levels.

New User
Registered: Sep 2012
From United Kingdom

By Toutatis!
Registered: Jan 2011
From South Africa
Posted January 19, 2014
that sucks man :( So restarting and loading a save from just before the mission failed doesn't work? Have you tried to restart -> load save from just before 'mission failed' -> save game again in new slot, say for example 'level nine' -> restart -> load that save, i.e load 'level nine'?

New User
Registered: Sep 2012
From United Kingdom
Posted January 30, 2014

Unfortunately GOG can't replicate it, even with a save. No idea what it is though because it's an in game message, it doesn't make sense that anything outside the game would cause it.

New User
Registered: Apr 2014
From Germany
Posted April 25, 2014

got one on the mission Convey after building a mobile outpost didn't like that all.
got a lot of them on a mission in the west fighting series 9's the surfing mission?
a link or a bug update for these issues would be quite welcome
I just comes after some time. Its just frustrating.
At the moment helping myself with saving all the time and loading the latest possible (but sometimes the latest was a crashed savegame so I had to go back even more.
Shit happens, but my Problem now is I don't trust the older games anymore. I have so many nice older games on the wishlist. But I am not willing to burn money.
Sorry, your idea was great, but I will only buy new Indie-Games in the future.
More expensive, but less frustration.
Post edited April 25, 2014 by Rookie82