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Return to Krondor seems to be the technically superior of the both. Can I play RtK by itself, or do I need to play the first game before it?
superarthur: Return to Krondor seems to be the technically superior of the both. Can I play RtK by itself, or do I need to play the first game before it?
Stories are separate, you can safely play them in whatever order you want ;)
Thiev: Stories are separate, you can safely play them in whatever order you want ;)
Thanks, I will just buy the second one. I've finished Magician and now reading Silverthorn by Raymond Feist.
Post edited October 07, 2012 by superarthur
superarthur: I've finished Magician and now reading Silverthorn by Raymond Feist.
In that case you may consider BaK at some point. You would recognize a fair share of characters from Riftwar saga :)
I really love RtK but I get far less 'Midkemian' vibe from it.
Betrayal at Krondor is considered to be a classic, a designation that passed Return to Krondor by. So I'd recommend playing BaK first.
Yup, I'd recommend to play BaK first simply because it is a much better game than RtK.
Yup, BaK is known as one of the greats. It's definitely a must play. RtK was panned and poorly received upon release, although with years of patches and tweaks, it's probably worth playing now. Play Return if you're a real Krondor fan by all means, but play Betrayal first, not because they games are linked, but because its better and the books took a lot of characters and such from it.
IIRC, Return was intended to be multipart series. Only the first part was ever released. So the certain threads of the story end on a cliffhanger. It's been years since I played the game though.
The difference is - RtK is a good game. BaK is one of the greatest CRPG ever created.

True it looks quite dated nowadays but the charm, the atmosphere and the lore is like nothing else. It's also probably the biggest, largest, most motherfreakin sprawling RPG I've ever played :)
I miss this style of game. I wish they'd make a new one, not even necessarily a Feist game. Hell i LOVED Antara.
Thiev: Stories are separate, you can safely play them in whatever order you want ;)
superarthur: Thanks, I will just buy the second one. I've finished Magician and now reading Silverthorn by Raymond Feist.
I know this thread's a little old, but just to give you a little heads up, if you get really into the Riftwar Saga, there is a novelization of Betrayal at Krondor and Return to Krondor as part of a trilogy called the Riftwar Legacy.

The books are as follows:- Krondor: The Betrayal, Krondor: The Assassins, and Krondor: Tear of the Gods.

The first and last books correspond to the games, so if you're like me you may want to play both just to spend a bit more time in Midkemia. :-)
I played both and found RtK to be far inferior in both plot and gameplay.

But no, you don't need to play BaK before RtK. In fact you may enjoy RtK more not knowing just how poor a sequel it was compared to the first game!
RtK did have some things going for it; the alchemy system was fun to fool around with, especially since it had an internal logic to what did what (as opposed to the essentially random or blatantly level-scaling systems in most others). Likewise, the lockpicking minigame was actually interesting. (Bethesda should really learn from it...)