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high rated
Hello everyone. I was over at a topic in the General Forum and something made me remember I have a downloaded copy of the Betrayal at Krondor Help Web that I never shared online. The site is OF COURSE, absolutely full of spoilers.

The site has been gone for quite some time, and there were no mirrors I could find last time I checked, so here it is:

The webmaster had a pretty relaxed policy about copying the site for local personal use (which is written in the main page), so now that the site is gone, I doubt they would have any issue with people sharing it with others.

I uploaded a few screenshots... yeah, it's not pretty, but the info is priceless.



Ha, the Wayback Machine actually has mirrored it (did not check how thoroughly), and I don't know how I did not see it when I misplaced my backup drive and was looking for the site last year. Meh...
bakhw1.png (89 Kb)
bakhw2.png (136 Kb)
bakhw3.png (51 Kb)
Post edited January 07, 2019 by Links
I may just be inept at using the Wayback Machine, but I was only able to get the main page and chapter 1 of the walkthrough to work. Either way, thank you for posting the offline version.
I had been looking for this for quite a while! Much obliged!
sictek: ...
J.Jordan: ...
Glad to see it is useful :)
I can't seem to get any of it open.

Never mind...I found it.

I'm so happy to see that I can use it again.
Post edited February 04, 2019 by GrizzlyPip
Wow, the website's gone... I always assumed it would be online forever. It just seemed so enduring, remaining online long after the game fell into obscurity.
MarkusRamikin: Wow, the website's gone... I always assumed it would be online forever. It just seemed so enduring, remaining online long after the game fell into obscurity.
Sadly, it was hosted on the personal web space of the webmaster's university, so probably when they stopped working there it was taken down (if they are still alive...?). Someone should have moved the site elsewhere, but it didn't happen.
Just wanted to echo my thanks for you archiving this extremely important and in-depth site. I relied upon the detailed BaK maps for almost 20 years, and was saddened when it disappeared a few years ago. I'm relieved that you thought ahead and made an offline copy! Thank you so much.

Edit: as a big thank you to this community and to Links, I have re-hosted the entire BaK Help Web site here. Hopefully the original author can claim it back some day!

Update: Sadly, the original author passed away shortly after this was originally posted. May he rest in peace. See Gunnar's response below. The site will continue to be hosted in perpetuity.
Post edited December 02, 2022 by vga256
vga256: Just wanted to echo my thanks for you archiving this extremely important and in-depth site. I relied upon the detailed BaK maps for almost 20 years, and was saddened when it disappeared a few years ago. I'm relieved that you thought ahead and made an offline copy! Thank you so much.

Edit: as a big thank you to this community and to Links, I have re-hosted the entire BaK Help Web site here. Hopefully the original author can claim it back some day!
Wow, that's great, thanks a ot!
vga256: Just wanted to echo my thanks for you archiving this extremely important and in-depth site. I relied upon the detailed BaK maps for almost 20 years, and was saddened when it disappeared a few years ago. I'm relieved that you thought ahead and made an offline copy! Thank you so much.

Edit: as a big thank you to this community and to Links, I have re-hosted the entire BaK Help Web site here. Hopefully the original author can claim it back some day!
Hello fellow Krondor fans!

I just wanted to thank you for keeping the BaK help web alive and you, vga256, for re-hosting the whole site! The original author was Eysteinn Björnsson, an old friend of mine who unfortunately passed away at the end of February this year, at the age of 67. The site went down when he stopped working for the University a few years ago and they purged his webspace. That also included an amazingly detailed analysis of old Norse poetry and manuscripts - which will soon be re-hosted by the Icelandic Ásatrú Fellowship (the Pagan/Old Norse society) on a new website they are working on.

I hadn't realized the sites were down until after he passed away and desperately tried to get the BaK web back through the WayBack machine, hoping to revive it somehow or at least keep it archived - and I was incredibly relieved and happy to see that you here have already shared the .zip and put it back up! Way to go. Thank you so much. I know he would really appreciate it and that he was glad to see how long-lived the site turned out to be.

Eysteinn was a friend of my parents who was completely immersed in fantasy and sci-fi and introduced me to so much material when I was growing up. He translated a large part of the Lord of the Rings into Icelandic and whenever he would discover some piece of art or fiction that intrigued him, he would immerse himself in that world and practically live there. He introduced me to Krondor when it was originally released (I was 11 at the time) and I vividly remember him working on that site throughout the 1990s - the amount of work and detail that went into making it was simply astounding. A one-man video game wiki! I'm glad that so many people have found the website valuable throughout the years and I hope that more players will keep coming back to it. Feel free to share that zip file as much as you want - it's part of his legacy, now. A nice way to keep his memory alive.

Gunnar Theodór
vga256: [...]
Thank you for putting it online again!

gunnaregg: [...]
Thank you very much for the information, and I'm sorry to hear he passed away. The detail and work that went into the site clearly shows how much he cared.

If at any point you would like me to take down the file download, please let me know. I think you would be interested in knowing that it has got 651 downloads right now, which is not a small number for it being a small post in a rarely visited forum.

All the best to you,
vga256: [...]
Links: Thank you for putting it online again!

gunnaregg: [...]
Links: Thank you very much for the information, and I'm sorry to hear he passed away. The detail and work that went into the site clearly shows how much he cared.

If at any point you would like me to take down the file download, please let me know. I think you would be interested in knowing that it has got 651 downloads right now, which is not a small number for it being a small post in a rarely visited forum.

All the best to you,
That's great to hear - keep it up! - and one of those downloads is mine! :)

Nice to know that the game lives on, and as long people are playing it, the help web will be relevant. But it also serves as such an interesting artifact on its own, and as a way to re-enter that world without necessarily playing BaK again. I haven't touched the game in years and really enjoyed browsing through the web, just as a strange walk down the memory lanes of Midkemia ...

gunnaregg: Hello fellow Krondor fans!

I just wanted to thank you for keeping the BaK help web alive and you, vga256, for re-hosting the whole site! The original author was Eysteinn Björnsson, an old friend of mine who unfortunately passed away at the end of February this year, at the age of 67. The site went down when he stopped working for the University a few years ago and they purged his webspace. That also included an amazingly detailed analysis of old Norse poetry and manuscripts - which will soon be re-hosted by the Icelandic Ásatrú Fellowship (the Pagan/Old Norse society) on a new website they are working on.
Gunnar Theodór
Gunnar, I’m sorry to have read your note so many months late!

I was touched by your recollection of Eysteinn’s life and contributions to mythology and BaK. I am sad to hear of his passing, as I wish I could have thanked him for the hundreds of times I used the site over the past twenty years. The level of detail is still incredible to this day, and outstrips most game wikis with its depth.

Would you mind if I added a small note recognizing Eysteinn’s passing on the archived site? As a respectful thanks to him, I am happy to host BaK help web in his honour, in perpetuity. May he rest in peace knowing how much joy he brought to thousands, and will continue to for many years to come!
I encountered Betrayal at Krondor as a child when it was new and although I never got very far, I remember being awed at the size and detail of it compared to many other games of the time.

Just a few months ago I remembered it and decided to explore again, hoping that with the patience and skill of a couple more decades I would be able to finish. I am glad to say that the Help Web was invaluable in helping me find and really appreciate all that the game has to offer. I owe Eysteinn a debt of gratitude for compiling all of this knowledge which might otherwise be lost, and I hope he is resting well wherever he may now be.
Post edited April 13, 2022 by Eletriarnation
The "Betrayal at Krondor Help Web" is such an amazing site.
This topic should be pinned.