I've managed to successfully extract three of the six ROMs (Castlevania, Contra, and Jackal) using the information posted by
misanthroat, but the others are causing trouble. All I end up with is a grey emulator window.
I've been using the "dd" command in Linux, which was remarkably easier than my initial attempts in trying to extract the ROMs using a hex editor.
Please note, that I had to convert the hexadecimal to decimal for the following to work.
First, I extracted the NES header:
dd if=cc.exe skip=1041776 bs=1 count=16 > nes_header Second, the game ROMs:
dd if=cc.exe skip=<offset> bs=1 count=<block length> > <name of game> eg. dd if=cc.exe skip=910704 bs=1 count=131072 > contra
Third, I concatenated the two and ended up with a working ROM (at least for the three games that I mentioned!):
eg. cat nes_header jackal > jackal.nes I'm still going to keep trying to see if I can find out why the other three games aren't working -- I'd be very happy if someone beat me to it though! :-)
EDIT: Well, I got all the ROMs working! :-)
I downloaded the following:
NES header database: http://forums.nesdev.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=19940 (nothing illegal, just an XML database)
NES Header Repair python script: https://github.com/Kitrinx/NES_Header_Repair I unzipped them both in the same directory as my reconstructed NES ROMs, and ran the script. Please note that it does a trial run to make sure that everything is OK -- to actually make any changes, you have to edit the script and change TRIAL RUN from 1 to 0.