lauco: I'm on latest update
I encounter some bugs that were not in previous builds :
- My last save was at Lachance's house, when I load it I'm at the general store and my car moved in front of it ... but I'm not back in time, every item is picked up and I have the crowbar in my inventory
- when I go to the doctor house and visit it... all of a sudden screen blurs alot
when I go outside screen is not blurry anymore
- I cannot access the menu anymore from that point
I guess I have to go back to previous build ?(But how do we do that on Steam ?)
I'm recording on OBS if it's of any relevance (and I need my episode recorded for tommorow :p)
The build should be updated on Steam during the night, which should fix some of these issues.
- Are you sure you started a fire at Lachance's house? (I'm sure you did, but just to be safe :P). I'll try to replicate it tomorrow.
- I'll look into it first thing tomorrow.
- Menu is broken in this update, but is fixed in the upcoming one.
I'll report back here once I tried the first 2 issues you encountered ;)
Pixhellformat: Version: 20169216-01
some bug report: ;-)
1 / in some dialogue ( i play with the french subtitle ) , subtitles do not work and displays "NULL" 3 examples:
- when I discovered the wolf rummaging through the bins outside the garage.
- When I enter the first time in the garage and the electricity cuts
- when I read the instruction to restore the electricity the panels on the fuse
Here are a other bug.
2 / when I enter the first house on the main road, just after the service station (the one with the balençoire and tires) I look at the stove with the ash still lukewarm (the icon with a lighted match appears) I click the view is blurred, and nothing happens. I can move me then, but the image is still blurry.
is it impossible to put other actions as retrieve an object, even display the game menu with "ESC" impossible. the only actions that I could still do was bring up the diary, but he remained as unreadable blurred. open drawers or cupboards, and that's all it seems ...
I'm french and I hope my English is understandable. :-)
Je vous rassure, votre anglais est très compréhensible ;)
1 /We already knew about those missing subtitles, but are waiting for French voices before fixing everything at once ;)
2 /We learned about this bug a few minutes after releasing this version. The UI breaks as soon as you enter a house and you have documents other than the map and journal. A new version is on the way and should be online tomorrow.
Thanks for the feedback!
Mes salutations du Québec :D