Posted October 05, 2014

Also, for anyone that wants to see what games used sci0 (ega), sci1 (ega & vga), and sci2, and what each interpreter offered, here is a nice list from ScummVM. The list can give you a bit of interesting history as to how the games advanced through the years
Having grown up with the evolution of these graphics modes it is quite shocking to see so many confused--actually, the superior graphics box of the day was the Amiga--with its 32-color-up-to-4.096 on-screen color modes....that made EGA and early VGA look pretty bad by comparison. get back on topic...ahem...;)
The biggest difference between CGA/EGA/VGA at that time was the number of onscreen colors that could be displayed on screen simultaneously--each mode had a total number of colors (called a palette) out of which the on-screen colors were chosen. CGA=4 colors on screen (awful, even then...;)); EGA=16 colors (much better than CGA, but inferior to Amiga displays) and of course VGA=256 colors on screen (all of these were followed by SVGA, then 16-bit color, then 24-bit color then "32-bit" color--24-bits & alpha channel, and so on.)
CGA & EGA & VGA were not incompatible with each other--they were progressive steps along the same basic IBM graphics development path at the time. A CGA game with 4 colors could easily be ported to EGA and still show only 4 colors on screen; a 16-color EGA game could easily be ported to VGA but still display only 16-colors on screen--and it would still be VGA in every respect. There were differences between these modes in screen resolutions, too--but they, too, were easily up-ported to the next graphics mode in the progression.
Speaking of the Amiga, just to illustrate, there were actually many 16-color EGA games ported to the Amiga's 32-bit color mode--but still displaying only 16-bit colors! A long time ago, that used to upset me a lot...;)
Even today, with my "32-bit" graphics card I am running EGA 16-color & 256-color (8-bit) S/VGA games in Dosbox-svn inside Windows 8.1x64 (and now in Windows 10), which are displayed in their original EGA & VGA formats--and that's because my graphics card is still backwards compatible with S/VGA--which can itself run all of those earlier graphics modes with 4/16/ or 256 colors, because S/VGA is itself backwards-compatible with CGA/EGA/VGA, etc.
To sum up, there is almost no difference at all between a 16-color EGA mode game, and the same game running under a 256-color VGA GPU *unless* the game itself has been rewritten to use more than its original 16 colors! If an EGA game is simply a straight port to VGA then it, too, will display 16 colors and be no different in display from the same game running in EGA on an EGA-only graphics device. Both the EGA and the VGA versions, in that case, are running in 16-colors, and the VGA port of the EGA game can also run in the same resolution *if* that is way the port is written.
A *real* S/VGA game--not simply a port up of an earlier graphics mode--would display at least 256 different colors on screen simultaneously. In actuality, there's not a spit's worth of difference between a 16-color EGA game running in EGA mode and the *same game* running in 16-colors in VGA mode. If no other changes were made to the original game other than porting it up to VGA, an observer would be hard-pressed to tell the difference between them.