nicode: I committed a new version of
kqmoefix with a fix for a crash after loading a save game in Direct Draw mode on Wine 1.8.1.
Any chance you can include your two other fixes for the brightness slider bug and the DirectX initialization?
Fix for the off-by-one setBrightness bug in the Options.cs
Short: find "9A 99 99 3E 6D DB 8E 42" and replace the last four with "49 92 8F 42".
FYI: I found an annoying bug that might crash the Direct3D initialization (only called if Glide is not present/valid). The wrong driver interface (possible NULL pointer) is queried for the total video memory
Better pattern for both (13be and 13fgis):
C7 44 24 18 00 00 00 00 8B CF (mov dword ptr [esp+18h], 00000000h \ mov ecx, edi)
will be changed to:
C7 44 24 18 00 00 00 00 89 F1 (mov dword ptr [esp+18h], 00000000h \ mov ecx, esi)
RE Isaac45: If the loading bar is flickering, it means it can't find the resources for the next area. Is that what it's doing?