SGO87: Your solution might be valid for you, but not for me. I'm not naive enough to think that auto-install won't never mess up your game and will require to full install the game, corrupting some saves, etc. I work as programmer and I often see unexpected behaviours, so I'm just mature enough to know how to install the games by my own. If you require any additional help or don't mind to be treated as retarded, it's fine but not my problem.
I decided to buy the game because of Classic Installers non-dependant on any online application. However, I just have to wait the full weekend just because GOG decided to focus first on their GOG Galaxy users than the other ones. If you change your plans according to the company's will, it's your problem, but don't tell me what I have to do in order to get the product I have bought, actually paying the same price as you but getting patches with delay.
I'm not naive enough to think as well that it takes longer time to make a 1.3.3 to 1.3.4 patch than to get a full 1.3.4 game version ready for GOG Galaxy users (either you get it for both kind of users or you don't get for anyone, as it apparently takes huge skills to make a patch installer...), but here is where the problem lies: GOG Galaxy is optional and not mandatory in the advertisement, but at the end, it seems that they "promote" their users to use Galaxy or you won't get updates on time. If GOG had told me about it before (like you won't have the same preference for receiving game patches if you don't use our "optional" service), I might have decided to buy it in another platform instead, in order to be required non-sense requirements, but this is not what was advertised.
It's kind of "cool" marketing to pretend you're an alternative to Steam, but for the moment, GOG has behaved in the same way. Let's see what's their attitude toward future patches in order to make a final conclusion and act accordingly for the current purchase or next ones.

Lone_Scout: You are mostly right, but I think you are overreacting, there is no need to get so upset when a minor patch of a game gets some delay. Besides, the game was updated last friday's afternoon and most GOG team members don´t work on weekends.
Don't get me wrong. There is need for much improvement in But, from my experience, it is the best DRM-Free retailer right now. I only buy DRM-Free games and from what I´ve found in other stores GOG offers the best service so far. In other distributors, there can be a delay between the steam version release and the DRM-Free release of the same version of several weeks. Just to list a feature in which they fall behind GOG...
Still, GOG service needs to continue improving, but I think it is on the right track to it. Not so long ago, if you chose to get a DRM-Free game, you would normally get a downgraded game, that lacked multiplayer or a regular updating among other things. With the time being, this is changing and now we expect to get the same features, as we are paying the same price. We are no longer second-class players. We have the right to ask for a good service and we must do it to continue advancing in this direction. But please don't get it out of proportion.
To be fair, I got another email from GOG:
I sincerely apologise, I misread your message and assumed you were asking about one of the previous patches which really had technical problems.
Standalone installers for 1.3.4 are going to be published as soon as they clear the testing, which is going to be today if there are no problems.
Usually patches are published through Galaxy client sooner because many developers have direct access to uploading them there - standalones have to be first built and tested as they can't be rolled back in case there are any bugs (while Galaxy has such functionality).
Beta Ray Bill Support"
I appreciate your comment, Lone_Scout.
I decided to support Warhorse Studios through GOG due to DRM-free game and no online requirements for installation and playing, no doubt about it. It's my first experience with GOG, Warhorse Studios released the patch quite late last Friday and probably I'm overreacting. As it was said before, some of us only have the chance to play the game on the weekends. However, I just wanted to make sure that I was not the only one not getting the patches on time, neither the only one who gets annoyed if a patch gets delayed for not using an "optional" platform, either the only one who got the impression that Galaxy users get priority.
If this situation happens again and again, it won't be mere chance but a company priority policy, which was not advertised in the marketing. That's when the people who have paid the same quantity than Galaxy users can get annoyed for lower quality service. So there's still a lot of improvement to be made and I hope that this situation does not happen again in normal circumstances.
By the way, games industry was not like that some years ago, you had the chance to get a fully updated game by CD/DVDs before Steam, and to download the patches from publishers... sweet times.
P.S: GOG has already uploaded the 1.3.4 patch in Classic Installers.