wdluense3: No, I am not the author of that mod. I have had the urge lately to get back into playing the game more and making some mods to adjust some of the issues I have with some items in the game such as the robot limbs.
You did help bring back some memories of the few times my Skellies were taken down by a lot of hits to the head and chest from groups that got a lot of lucky hits in.
I think one thing does help the Skellies is that most of the attacks in the game target the limbs and most hits that could even cause a Shek to lose a limb just hinders a Skellie for a bit.
Some of those prosthetic limbs are pretty strong. Those 290 health legs and 220 health arms with stats bonuses would appeal to anyone I would think. Currently playing custom Dark hive start so I'll probably have a need for some pretty soon.
I also installed this Nekos Economic overhaul mod to make the game a bit harder, but it's got some really whacky edits that don't make any senseto me. Like basic first aid kits are worth 700, ration packs are 11,000 with 300 nu, but Grohan is 75 nu and costs 247. Even just a crappy small backpack is 10,000, 20,000 in my game with edited trader mark-ups.
Also I installed Gen-mod, which does add some cool stuff. But unfortunately it has changes that makes the game too easy and forgiving. So I've been busy reverting all that cheesy stuff.
Couple of other mods I'm trying out:
Attack slots x2
Bigger badder bosses
New weapon Dissemination mod
Reactive world
OMO's armour for the world
GenMod - CCO Hive starts - (currently playing this, but edited it to start with just a Dark hive prince)