CaiusWickersham: I've been noticing a problem when I restart a game in Pegasus Prime. I get to the Ready Room for the first jump to the Jurassic period and I find I can't pick up the mapping and Pegasus biochips. I can pick up the key just fine, but the cursor never acknowledges the chips as an object that can be picked up. This happens when I quit to the main menu and start again from the beginning.
It's a side effect that's turning up with "speed-running". Players in a hurry will zip through and cancel the theory+background+procedure videos at the Command Center. Clicking to play all 3 videos will trigger the temporal rip and the ability to pick up the Journeyman Key, but if it is canceled too quickly before a few frames of the video have played, then the condition to allow you to pick up the mission biochips will not be triggered. This used to not be an issue with slower computers of yesteryear, but the best workaround for now is to let a second or two of each video play before canceling.
EDIT: Our programmers also found a bug in which this condition is being stored in saved game files, and will even carry over into a new game because this scrambled setting is not being flushed from game memory. If you end up stuck from being unable to acquire the mission biochips and wish to start over, we recommend quitting and restarting the game application to make absolutely sure this issue does not turn up in a new game. The programmers are aware of this and are working on a fix.