thedkm: Something I don't understand about Stracciatella. When I use the launcher and choose the predefined resolution of 1024x768 or higher, in battles the screen is filled correctly (no black stripes around).
PetrusOctavianus: No, filling the screen is not "correct", since with Stracciatella it means a stretched image, which IMO looks much uglier tha black borders. The game was made for 4x3 CRT monitors, not modern widescreen monitors.
If you want true widescreen and for the game to look as good as possible you need to install the 1.13 mod. Unfortunately the full 1.13 is a bit of a mess and rather daunting if you're new to the game, and its Vanilla option is buggy.
Is it possible to install just parts of that 1.13 mod?
Otherwise, will Stracciatella work on a, say, 4K monitor as long as the defined resolution is 4:3 (Say, 2666/2000) ?