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So, which ones is better and why? I like running team (from left to right): Banshee, Bride, Knight, Skeleton. Skeletong uses horrible stance drawing attacks and counterattacking with strees, knight also have stress attacks, bride shoots depending on situation and banshee stress evemies of buff minions. And it works nice. So, which team and tactics you are using?
Andrey82: So, which ones is better and why? I like running team (from left to right): Banshee, Bride, Knight, Skeleton. Skeletong uses horrible stance drawing attacks and counterattacking with strees, knight also have stress attacks, bride shoots depending on situation and banshee stress evemies of buff minions. And it works nice. So, which team and tactics you are using?
Heavily depends on your unlocks. Lich, Mummy, Vampire, Vampire was a solid team I used to get to the higher difficulties, before changing to Frozen, Shade, Blood Phantasm, Bone Giant and then Frozen, Blood phantasm, Black Widow, Bone Giant after the recent patches. With the right upgrades, that last team can heal, reposition, pull, strip buffs, stun, deal damage over time, shield and tank, while hitting for solid damage and being pretty durable. Other minions you can swap in as necessary.

For talents, getting those that increase your drops early and then going for the rage tree that gives you the talent that heals your units when your rage is high, helps a lot. then aim for the group heal and the one that reduces the cost of ultimates You'll want to use drops to upgrade your town at least once every turn, focusing on +drops, +Iratus xp, +artifacts, +souls and rage.

With the magic items, look for the ones that give your team a flat bonus and especially look for the ones that give your minions permanent, stacking bonuses for destroying an enemy unit. Getting those early lets you snowball them into being unstoppable.
Post edited January 07, 2020 by Fortuk
Fortuk: and then Frozen, Blood phantasm, Black Widow, Bone Giant after the recent patches. With the right upgrades, that last team can heal, reposition, pull, strip buffs, stun, deal damage over time, shield and tank, while hitting for solid damage and being pretty durable.
Thank you, will try! Which upgrades for that team you recommend?

Also, found strangeteam composition: two Liches in the back and two Skeletons in front. Skeletons stand with shields blocking damage and getting killed by Lich for healing. Liches do damage, heal and summon a new Skeleton when one gets killed. Between battles just create new Skeleton of low level to replace killed. But on higher levels of difficulty this is getting being not a very stable team. :(
Andrey82: Thank you, will try! Which upgrades for that team you recommend?

Also, found strangeteam composition: two Liches in the back and two Skeletons in front. Skeletons stand with shields blocking damage and getting killed by Lich for healing. Liches do damage, heal and summon a new Skeleton when one gets killed. Between battles just create new Skeleton of low level to replace killed. But on higher levels of difficulty this is getting being not a very stable team. :(
For Unfrozen, penetrating spear and purging blizzard are great because they make it so that you can reliably stun and remove buffs.
Black Widow, fatal bondage is a must because it strips away shields.
Bone Golem, bone ward lets you both block and ward.
Blood Phantasm, rage injection adds a stacking damage buff upon being hit.

For the rest it's up to your preferences and depends on how you want to build them; make them more tanky, focus on crits, etc. For example: giving Unfrozen winter's onset is better if you want to build on his special ability, while winter is coming might be better if you're pushing for a crit build.

Another good team is having two lost souls in the back. If you place shields or have high dodge minions the downside to their heal gets negated, they can deal a lot of stress damage and their ultimate removes the drawback to their attacks as well as giving a huge stacking buff. Having a way to reliably heal your team is important to beating the highest difficulties in general.

At low levels you're much more free to experiment like with your two liches/skellies and unlocks are persistent across difficulty levels so you can try a lot of different builds. At higher difficulty levels you'd run into the problem with that team in that you really need those resources you're spending on the skeletons for something else - buildings, minions and unit upgrades. That's why it's great that none of the minions are difficulty locked so that you can go back to a lower difficulty after playing the higher ones, for when you want to have more room to try stuff out,.
Post edited January 12, 2020 by Fortuk
Atm I enjoying wraith - banshee - double wifes of iratus.

So wraith just throws each unit with massive evasion.
banshee has awesome ultimate 2 units loses turn.
and wives just use fire for damage.

Primitive but enjoyable!