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Hi there. It is possibly some kind of bug. Let me give the developers a much details as I can:

1. I did repair the game, problem persist
2. First time when I installed Natural Law I was in the middle of game, but decided to finish it. In that game after galactic counsil I won, I choose "one more turn" and then I conquesred whole galaxy, but there was no extra note on Hall of Fame (the counsil win was), I assume chosing "one more turn" is not seen as continuation
3. Now I'm in the new game on largest size galaxy, with 7 other AI opponents, had counsil, which I won, and when I choose "Yes/You win" when asked to become galacic ruler, the game... just goes on. I have a saved game available.
4. I'm veteran of those games, so surely the hall of fam score is only higher every play. Previous game when I win counsil I was 3rd overall while now I'm 1st so surely I should be on the top 10.
5, I play with my own, created extra race
Post edited March 20, 2021 by Say10
Hi, thanks for the bug report and for all the details.

When you choose "one more turn" after winning, that will be it with respect to "winning" that game. So, everything else that happens afterwards is just an option for your amusement and doesn't count for extra score for the hall of fame.

As for your point 3, that is in fact a bug. This issue was detected and resolved not too long ago and a fix will be available in the next update. What happened is that when choosing "one more turn", the game disabled the victory conditions, as expected, since that game is over from the point of view of winning. However, if a game is started right after that "one more turn" session without quitting to desktop, the next game would inherit the disabled victory conditions, and the game would not end even after you won by conquest or by galactic ruler election.

Since you have a saved game available, if you wish, you can send it to me to and I can fix it for you, so you can win that game and get your score for the hall of fame. Save files can be found in this folder: C:\Users\<your_username>\AppData\LocalLow\Praxis Games\ISG\

In any case, this issue will be solved by the next update, although only effective for new games.

Thanks for taking the time to make this post and provide all the details you could, I appreciate it.
Post edited March 20, 2021 by Adam Solo
Yes, if you go ahead and choose the Galactic Vote Victory (usually you have to vote for yourself to have this occur), you have officially won that game. Usually, you can just abstain your own vote, and the game will continue if you prefer to go for the Conquer all victory. (You can of course, disable the Galactic Vote Victory when starting a new game, to bypass it completely, if you know you don't want that option).

I will usually keep track of when a Vote is about to happen, and if I think I am at a point that I am capable of winning; I will save the game before that next turn. If you have the votes, you can go ahead and vote for yourself, and win. If you prefer not to win at that point, reload that save before the vote, abstain, and continue your game. After finishing the game by conquering all, and seeing what your score is, and you still prefer your Galactic Vote Council Victory instead; just go back, and reload that save, and vote yourself. This way, you have the choice of what type of victory you prefer to have.

After reading your comment, I think you probably are aware of this, and is somewhat similar to what Adam Solo has stated, but just throwing it out there...
Post edited March 21, 2021 by Zoltan999
Adam Solo: Hi, thanks for the bug report and for all the details.

When you choose "one more turn" after winning, that will be it with respect to "winning" that game. So, everything else that happens afterwards is just an option for your amusement and doesn't count for extra score for the hall of fame.

As for your point 3, that is in fact a bug. This issue was detected and resolved not too long ago and a fix will be available in the next update. What happened is that when choosing "one more turn", the game disabled the victory conditions, as expected, since that game is over from the point of view of winning. However, if a game is started right after that "one more turn" session without quitting to desktop, the next game would inherit the disabled victory conditions, and the game would not end even after you won by conquest or by galactic ruler election.

Since you have a saved game available, if you wish, you can send it to me to and I can fix it for you, so you can win that game and get your score for the hall of fame. Save files can be found in this folder: C:\Users\<your_username>\AppData\LocalLow\Praxis Games\ISG\

In any case, this issue will be solved by the next update, although only effective for new games.

Thanks for taking the time to make this post and provide all the details you could, I appreciate it.
Thanks for such swift reply. I thought it might have something to do with "one more turn" thing. And new game I started just like you said, without quitting to desktop. I appreciate your kind offer, since I play on largest galaxy with 7 opponents, those save games weight way too much, but after max. compression from 13 MB it shrinked to... 613 KB, so I can send it easily. I trust a new game started now will not be affected by "no endgame problem" am I right?
Say10: Thanks for such swift reply. I thought it might have something to do with "one more turn" thing. And new game I started just like you said, without quitting to desktop. I appreciate your kind offer, since I play on largest galaxy with 7 opponents, those save games weight way too much, but after max. compression from 13 MB it shrinked to... 613 KB, so I can send it easily.
You're welcome. I've just sent you the fixed save game!
Say10: I trust a new game started now will not be affected by "no endgame problem" am I right?
Post edited March 22, 2021 by Adam Solo