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Like most I have been trying to get the game work so the graphics were not distorted and then after that getting rid of the wobbly wheel issue which completely hampers the game since they drive 35mph.

For the graphical issues you can download the launcher as posted by vagabond in the may 1st sticky:

and using the steps posted here:
( just the settings,dgvoodoo comes with the launcher.)

Cpu grabber will fix the wheel wobble issue with these steps:

1 download cpugrabber

2 launch grabber, set to 75, click start

3 go into task manager and right click on the cpugrab.exe>>affinity>> check only 1 cpu

4 launch glide game from launcher 2.0 alt tab to tweak speeds since there is a sweet spot that varies you alt tab go to cpugrabber change slider click stop and start then return to game. My lowest I could go was 63% before the lights would flicker and wheel would wobble.

open arsenal 2.0 launcher and choose select launcher glide options for
so it looks like they bundled the cpugrabber with the launcher. I had mine already started up so i didnt notice till afterwards, kudos!

btw dbvoodoo wont work on my nvidia 7900 machine the menu gets distorted and wont allow a save for the options.
I'd recommend nGlide as well.
I did all of this and still the game doesn't work.

I absolutely cannot get it to start in d3d or glide. This results in an error; Failed to initialize 3d renderer. Or some such. I've read so much and I give up on trying to get this working.

So I thought at least I could use the cpugrabber thing to play the game in software mode properly. But no, I guess cpu grabber doesn't work with software mode.

The game is unplayable. (windows 7 64, 5870 gpu).

If anybody figures out a sure way to get this working in windows 7, please tell in detail.

The original post here is probably perfect for some of you (win xp?) but it did nothing for me.
rawket I am using windows 7 64 bit with nvidia and ati cards and they both work. the arsenal 2.0 patch launches cpugrabber but are you saying it doesnt under software mode? If so download the one I linked to open it then tweak the affinity in task manager by setting it to a single processor( the same as i76 or nitro will be using) . What options fo you get when you open up the launcher and go to i76 glide settings.

So verify you are using the launcher and let me know the setting you get under glide settings.
also make sure you hit start on cpu grabber button should show stop if started.
Post edited May 22, 2011 by Willtur
No, I mean I start cpugrabber and it doesn't fix the wobbly wheels, etc in the game. Which I thought it was supposed to. Either it doesn't work or it doesn't work in software mode. Which is the only mode I can run the game in. D3d and Glide give me the failed to initialize error.

I'm getting everything that is supposed to be there. There are many options. I was able to set the glide options the way the link recommended.

Jeez man if you can get it working with an ati card under win7 64 I have to know why it isn't working for me! But I'm stumped. I have no idea.

edit. yes the affinity is automatically set to one. I tried various values under cpugrabber and hit start before starting the game. No value fixes the limited ai speed, wobbly wheels, bouncy cars, racing clouds, etc/whatever. this makes the game impossible to actually play.
Post edited May 22, 2011 by RawketLawnchair
RawketLawnchair: No, I mean I start cpugrabber and it doesn't fix the wobbly wheels, etc in the game. Which I thought it was supposed to. Either it doesn't work or it doesn't work in software mode. Which is the only mode I can run the game in. D3d and Glide give me the failed to initialize error.

I'm getting everything that is supposed to be there. There are many options. I was able to set the glide options the way the link recommended.

Jeez man if you can get it working with an ati card under win7 64 I have to know why it isn't working for me! But I'm stumped. I have no idea.

edit. yes the affinity is automatically set to one. I tried various values under cpugrabber and hit start before starting the game. No value fixes the limited ai speed, wobbly wheels, bouncy cars, racing clouds, etc/whatever. this makes the game impossible to actually play.
Quad core?
yes, I have a quad core (i7 930).
cpu grabber should just throttle the processor regardless software or not but when you start the game see which processor its tied to and verify its the same one the cpu grabber is set to in affinity. In the glide options you have the setting set to the the ones on the tweaks link correct? The launcher sets the cpu grabber to 30 but on mine 62 is the sweet spot for me.

This guy had a quad core and he got around it on another game by launching more than one instance of cpu grabber.

Okay, this is how you do it:

I expect you have XP/Vista, so you will have to patch the game.

Google for "blood omen xp patch" and follow the first result.

Download the patch -Hacked BO Exe- then apply it. Try it now...

Now if your PC has more than 2GHz you will also need to slow the CPU down.

Get the CPU Grabber from the same site; run it and configure it so it keeps your machine busy.

I myself have a quad-core, and I start the cpu grabber 4 times, and set all 4 individual windows to value 80.
Wiltur is correct in that CPUGrabber does not involve 3D settings at all, it just looks at your processor. So it should work (or not work) regardless of whether you're running in software mode or not.

He's also probably correct that your issue is being caused by the quad core. I have only ever used CPUGrabber once, but I still had a single-core processor at the time. It worked fine, but I'm not sure how to get it working iwth multiple cores.

One idea, which I think was already mentioned, is to make sure that both CPUGrabber AND Interstate '76 itself have their affinities set to only one of your four cores. You can do that by running both programs and then looking under their properties menus in the Task Manager.

I'm not sure what that stuff about Blood Omen is... maybe it was copy-pasted from another thread? I suspect that the relevant section is at the end, where it discusses running four instances of CPUGrabber, one set to each of your four cores. That might work too.

Don't give up yet! I'm sure there is a solution that will get the game running acceptably, if not perfectly.
Post edited May 27, 2011 by Waltorious
Well I'll guys are right! Cpu grabber only worked right when running on one core as well as with the right number set, something around 60 or as said 62 works too. The default 30 and the suggested 75 did not work. Lame enough, all the random values I tried before didn't happen to be close enough to the one that worked either :|

The cpu grabber that auto launches with Arsenal seems to go to one core automatically. When I was launching it myself outside of Arsenal it was starting up on all cores.

Still though, this is software mode, and it doesn't look half as good as hardware 3d. Might one of you gurus know how I can get glide working on my system?

Anyway at least it DOES work in software mode.

hey maybe you should edit the op to state cpu grabber suggested value of 62 instead of 75? That may have saved me some trouble.
Post edited May 27, 2011 by RawketLawnchair
RawketLawnchair: hey maybe you should edit the op to state cpu grabber suggested value of 62 instead of 75? That may have saved me some trouble.
The actual value that works will depend on each player's processor speed, so there won't be one value that works for everyone. You have to fiddle with it until you find the sweet spot.

As for running glide, I have not tried that myself yet. You've tried the launcher, but have you also tried nGlide as Vagabond suggested? I think there may be a few other glide wrapper out there that might work better for you too.

Someone else with more experience in glide wrappers want to step in with advice?
ah i see.

Anyway, I have tried Nglide. At least I THINK I did. All it did was install and said it should work. It did not work and I don't know if anything else should have been done besides installing it. I'm not even sure where it installed itself too. Somewhere in the Windows folder I guess?

I also tried the thing about putting atiumdag.dll in the i76 game folder (where the i76.exe is). That did not work. I heard you were supposed to use a specific atiumdag.dll from the 9.5 drivers. So, I installed the 9.5 drivers and searched my computer for atiumdag.dll. I actually got quite a few results. Tried each and every one of them and they all resulted in failure to hardware accelerated whatever. They didn't work.

I tried
have you tried open glide?

You have to read the readme.txt as it has a setting to do and it tells you to copy the dll to the root folder of the program but it may be worth a shit. In the end with all the patching I am not sure what worked first in the end installing the launcher was key for me but who know what i did before hand that may have got it to that point.
Yes I tried it, same result; Failed to initialize 3d renderer. :\