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Heya there mates,

I currently have 16 Eloquence. I have four items which give 1 point to Eloquence each. That makes 20 Eloquence.

I'm now in Act 2. I had given 1000 gold the the barkeeper in Hillbrandt, therefore his prices are very cheap for me.

These two combined makes a potion 12 Gold to buy, but 17 Gold to sell. What gives? If I buy it and sell back repeatedly, I'd have infinite gold. Slow, but steady.

I wonder if this was intended, or bug?


P.S. Infernal hounds and Exile spells make the game veeeeeeeeeery easy. And I play on Hard mode.
Probably an oversight, but no a bug. It's not like you need tons of gold in this game anyway, you'll find and earn plenty of it.
charbon: Probably an oversight, but no a bug. It's not like you need tons of gold in this game anyway, you'll find and earn plenty of it.
Well with enough gold, you can buy tons of Magical boxes, and have infinite Skill Points that way. Cheating via console is easier, but with this way, it is possible without console too..
You can get skill points using magical boxes ???
charbon: You can get skill points using magical boxes ???
Yeah, just buy them (I buy them for 2100 each with 20 Eloquence and one completed quest for the seller in Hillbrandt) and after invoking the genie, choose "I don't want anything". There is a chance that it will give you skill points. Just reload and repeat until it gives.
Oh, I only did that once and got a piece of equipment. Well, the game is already pretty easy, getting lots of skill points that way would only make it easier...
Post edited October 27, 2012 by charbon