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soz ppl but none of u posted how exactly to kill the chieftan without a ginny pls help
why don't you want to use ginny?
Post edited September 20, 2012 by
cause i don't have 1 :D and i don't want to go out and buy a box
avatar why don't you want to you ginny?
btw how does the ginny work cause i used 1 too many to attack but they did crap?they were good for healling ,shopping but for attacking not
avatar why don't you want to you ginny?
Post edited September 20, 2012 by Mephistophel24
one genie can kill every boss in the game except of the last one. and can clear every pack of mobs. but you don't get xp for his kills.
i got that but how cause i chose him to attack and he just stood around doing nothing
avatar one genie can kill every boss in the game except of the last one. and can clear every pack of mobs. but you don't get xp for his kills.
he doesn't follow you. just summon him when you need him. he will stay there forever and attack enemies when he sees them.
Post edited September 20, 2012 by
avatar one genie can kill every boss in the game except of the last one. and can clear every pack of mobs. but you don't get xp for his kills.
That's definitely not true ;)
My genies were killed more than once....
by whom? i usually used them, and they were unbeatable.
avatar by whom? i usually used them, and they were unbeatable.
Fallen Angel, bunch of undead monks,....
How to kill orc chieftain.

1.Wear an item that protects you from exhaustion.
2.Cross the bridge and go up, to the corner between the wall and the chasm.
3.Cast Reflect Wounds on yourself.
4.Let the chieftain come to you. Once the dialogue ends, attack the chieftain with your best weapon.
5.Chug health/stamina/mana potions.
6.Recast Reflect Wounds.

The chieftain dies.
Post edited January 04, 2022 by Yaab1