Sockenfuzzi: I'm in Chapter 9, the Hunt with Beck and his Tank
I hate this Level. I love the Game, but I hate this Level. Period! Nothing more to say! Is there a Way to jump into the final Chapter? I have read I could make changes in the Script? Is this doable and if yes, how?
From gamefaqs
"Tired of running from the tank over and over again? Fed-up with Indy's
screaming? Here's how you can skip the tank level: Under the game's dir,
go to \GameData\Indy\Levels\ backup the file "M09_Tomb_04.SLS" (change
the filename) Now copy any one of the other files (except m00shell and
the two bonus levels) and rename it to "M09_Tomb_04.SLS". Start the game
and play; now the tank level is replaced by whichever level you chose.
"Second way of skipping the level: Go to the game's dir, under
\GameData\Indy\GameInfo\ Open the file "MissionList.txt". Find the line
(near bottom) EXEC 0 1 "Von Beck's Revenge" ...... Put a "#" sign in
front (without the quotation marks) and save. Now the game skips the
level when you play it. (Not fully tested yet so use at your own risk)"
I have personally done the first one. I think I used "M02_Prague_00.SLS" (The one where he first meets marshall kai)