Dash_Merc: I don't know about EoC, as I have always used either a joystick or a gamepad with accelerometers, but the original game (I-War the first) would let you fly the ship using the numpad as a joystick replacement.
The only reason I know this is because at the time I was playing the first game, I was using a Pentium 1 366(?) with 32MB RAM(?) and a 8 GB HD (below the minimum specs, but it did just barely work). I had gotten it for free from a friend so I could write school papers. And I had no money for a joystick. And my dad bought the game for me from a small gameshop by his house because it looked interesting.
Changed my life. Really.
But seriously, that aside, try the numpad. I don't know for sure if numpad control was included in EoC; it was originally developed to use joystick-only controls (all ship's functions are in a menu tree accessible via the POV-hat instead of the keyboard) since it was being developed for the Dreamcast simultaneously and they wanted to minimise the code differences between the two releases. I really wish the Dreamcast version actually got released. I'd love to play it on my Dreamcast. :D
If all else fails:
-buy a controller-s from the original XBox and a USB adapter to replace the fat end of the cable
-download and install XBCD
-buy an old joystick on eBay. I have a Gravis Blackhawk Digital that was designed for gameport but comes with a USB adapter. it was like $25 when I bought it from Best Buy, you should be able to find it for less.
This game is worth the effort.
XBCD doesn't seem to want to work with win7 64, it can't see the device at all. Are there any other programs?
I get getting rinsed in the first mission and found out that you have to use lateral thrusters, however i've tried using right hand on joystick and left hand on keyboard, but it doesn't really work well... I'd love to be able to use the second joystick as the thruster keys.