Strijkbout: There is no patch, but you have to enable it by editing the flux.ini.
I explained it previously
Best is to make a backup of the flux.ini before editing it.
Stephen robertson, who worked on the game, said there is a patch, but that it just wasn't released, but he said he had it and could potentially release it. I believe he posts on GOG boards as Ravager, though I might be mistaken.
Read the following link : that was ten years ago, so I was wondering if anything had changed or if it was ever released.
I had previously read the link you posted and unfortunately it didn't work for me. when i make those changes to flux.ini, nothing changes, except it adds a directx8 toggle to my graphics options in game. When I toggle it, and try restart my game, my game does not start.
Did you actually go into your in game options menu, and under graphics, enable the Directx8 toggle? Because if you do that, and then restart your game, it most likely wont start again. If you don't have that toggled, your flux.ini tweaks shouldn't be making a difference.
if you do indeed have it toggled, and it does work, you must have the directx8 .dll ( dx8graph.dll i think) in your gamefiles (bin/release) , and It would be much appreciated if you or someone else could upload it somewhere for those of us who don't have it included in their stock game. (I have an original UK version of the game I bought over 10 years ago, and my game files only include dx7graph.dll .... perhaps the gog version has the dx8 version included while the original version doesn't?)