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Wondering if anyone knows where they're stored?
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leegholson: Wondering if anyone knows where they're stored?
I have it installed on another ssd OS and will check tonight and post back the save location tomorrow.

If you want to try locating it in the meantime, it's somewhere in AppData I think.
- You can get there by going to C:\Users (make sure under folder options, you select to unhide hidden folders)
- Look for AppData at the top. There should be 3 more folders inside (at least in Windows 7, not sure Win10 / Win11).
- Look inside these 3 folders for Digital Reality or THQ folder. or something close to that. (not 100% sure though)
- There should be 1 more folder called IG2 (or maybe ig2, no caps) and it contains the save files.

Just out of curiosity, what do you need the save files for?
leegholson: Wondering if anyone knows where they're stored?
gog2002x: I have it installed on another ssd OS and will check tonight and post back the save location tomorrow.

If you want to try locating it in the meantime, it's somewhere in AppData I think.
- You can get there by going to C:\Users (make sure under folder options, you select to unhide hidden folders)
- Look for AppData at the top. There should be 3 more folders inside (at least in Windows 7, not sure Win10 / Win11).
- Look inside these 3 folders for Digital Reality or THQ folder. or something close to that. (not 100% sure though)
- There should be 1 more folder called IG2 (or maybe ig2, no caps) and it contains the save files.

Just out of curiosity, what do you need the save files for?
Nice Thank you! - I'll check out your suggestions, been looking in every obscure place I can think of (WIN-10) Just for easier file management, I have about 20 saves and the in-game interface doesn't appear to have a way to delete them. (wanting to start a new play-through) I should probably just save over existing files, but I got into the habit of not doing that a long time ago.

edit: Yeah, no dice on those locations. (my files are always set to show hidden+extensions)
Post edited August 19, 2024 by leegholson
gog2002x: I have it installed on another ssd OS and will check tonight and post back the save location tomorrow.
leegholson: Nice Thank you! - I'll check out your suggestions, been looking in every obscure place I can think of (WIN-10) Just for easier file management, I have about 20 saves and the in-game interface doesn't appear to have a way to delete them. (wanting to start a new play-through) I should probably just save over existing files, but I got into the habit of not doing that a long time ago.

edit: Yeah, no dice on those locations. (my files are always set to show hidden+extensions)
Ok, so I just checked my Windows 10 OS (it's not my gaming drive) and this appears to be the location I believe.


If you installed the OS yourself and named it at the time of install (or if pre-installed by the store/manufacturer of the model), it may have a different name. But once you get to the Default folder (or what it's called on yours) and if you have Hidden Items box checked, the AppData folder will show up.

In Windows 7, there are 3 folders in there. It appears in Windows 10, there are 2 folders. In Windows 7, the folder(s) I found the saves in were:

C:\Users\MyOSName\AppData\LocalLow\Gyroscopic Games (I forgot to take a screenshot so the name might be slightly off lol)

In Windows 10 (if Default or whatever your OS/Drive name is) there should be 2 folders:

C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Gyroscopic Games (or something close)

In that last folder, look for another folder called:


This is where your saves should be. In case they name it something other than Gyroscopic Games, then just look in all the folders.

Make sure you only delete the save files. There may be some default files the game will use and needed to create these save files. If you're not sure, come back here and post a screenshot and I can help some more. But all the save files should be easy to tell if I'm not mistaken.

If that still doesn't work, which would be wierd, but you can try checking the games install folder/sub-folders or look in Documents and see if you can get lucky. I can't really think of anywhere else tbh.

I don't really use Win10 for games. I do use for Steam and Origin for a few limited games from a couple of Humble Choice purchases, but I haven't been on that drive in ages lol. I really should to check those drives to make sure they are still functional since they are SSD drives...

Hope this helps.
Updated my comment above to LocalLow as the location for my Win7 install. I just checked last night. I may try to boot up my other Win10 ssd to see what location it saves Steam/Origin/Blizzard games. Can't promise, I tend to forget easy by the end of the day haha.
Post edited August 21, 2024 by gog2002x
gog2002x: Ok, so I just checked my Windows 10 OS (it's not my gaming drive) and this appears to be the location I believe.


If you installed the OS yourself and named it at the time of install (or if pre-installed by the store/manufacturer of the model), it may have a different name. But once you get to the Default folder (or what it's called on yours) and if you have Hidden Items box checked, the AppData folder will show up.

In Windows 7, there are 3 folders in there. It appears in Windows 10, there are 2 folders. In Windows 7, the folder(s) I found the saves in were:

C:\Users\MyOSName\AppData\LocalLow\Gyroscopic Games (I forgot to take a screenshot so the name might be slightly off lol)

In Windows 10 (if Default or whatever your OS/Drive name is) there should be 2 folders:

C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Gyroscopic Games (or something close)

In that last folder, look for another folder called:


This is where your saves should be. In case they name it something other than Gyroscopic Games, then just look in all the folders.

Make sure you only delete the save files. There may be some default files the game will use and needed to create these save files. If you're not sure, come back here and post a screenshot and I can help some more. But all the save files should be easy to tell if I'm not mistaken.

If that still doesn't work, which would be wierd, but you can try checking the games install folder/sub-folders or look in Documents and see if you can get lucky. I can't really think of anywhere else tbh.

I don't really use Win10 for games. I do use for Steam and Origin for a few limited games from a couple of Humble Choice purchases, but I haven't been on that drive in ages lol. I really should to check those drives to make sure they are still functional since they are SSD drives...

Hope this helps.
Updated my comment above to LocalLow as the location for my Win7 install. I just checked last night. I may try to boot up my other Win10 ssd to see what location it saves Steam/Origin/Blizzard games. Can't promise, I tend to forget easy by the end of the day haha.
Wow, you are a Legend! Thank you so much! I would never have found that folder, no clue that was the name of the dev team that did this (remake?/update). One of the big hazards of having a few hundred games, they stick save/game files all over the place. Thank you again for taking time out to respond!
Post edited August 22, 2024 by leegholson
gog2002x: .
Updated my comment above to LocalLow as the location for my Win7 install. I just checked last night. I may try to boot up my other Win10 ssd to see what location it saves Steam/Origin/Blizzard games. Can't promise, I tend to forget easy by the end of the day haha.
leegholson: Wow, you are a Legend! Thank you so much! I would never have found that folder, no clue that was the name of the dev team that did this (remake?/update). One of the big hazards of having a few hundred games, they stick save/game files all over the place. Thank you again for taking time out to respond!
I'm glad it worked out, happy gaming. :)

One thing I forgot to mention and it may not even happen on Win10 saves for the game. In the Win7 saves for ig2, sometimes later in the game (after like 30 saves or so), it no longer records the date on the save and just lists it as whatever description you typed, but ooo or ---- or .... or something like that for the date. This is mostly an issue for me for longer games and it's just a display bug. The saves are themselves are fine, just no way to tell the in-game date for the save.

So to get around it, I usually name start my save game description with the in-game date first, like "2027.03.12 New Game" w/o quotes for example when I first start a new game. This way, when the date for the save line disappears, I always have a way to tell which save is the most recent or if I need to reload an older save for some reason. Again, it might not happen on a Win10 install of the game, but I figured I may as well mention it.

I wish the game had unlimited saves and with a way to mass delete them in-game lol. It's still an awesome game though. :)

P.S. Also, if there are things in the game you wish you could change, I may or may not know some tricks to do so. =P
Post edited August 22, 2024 by gog2002x