Janick_Mischler: How exactly did the bugs look like? I strongely recommend to use the most recent version of Imperialism or at least V1.1, furthermore you should follow my guidelines (host closes every round before the players; save often etc.).
It is really a pity that there are so many problems with multiplayer. It is no fun if you reach year 1860 having a bug preventing you from continuing the game.
FIrst of all: woooohooo i really got an answer!!! Cool thx alot already for coming back to my problem.
Unfortunately i thought my post never will get an answer, so i didnt looked after it for a long time (obviously).
We played with version 1.1 i think.
Well it is the bug, you wrote about in your post before. Where an other nation declares war and i (or my friends) werent able to retaliate when they steal a province, because he is at war with "us" but "we" not with him...
So you say, you cant get rid of the bug competly? Thats sad.
Well, so if you build to less army to defend your self and could get helped by your friends that doesnt help obviously, the game is ruined?! Does the bug appear everytime ai declares war on you?
Or can i take provinces if i declare war myself to him? Its quite a time since we played, and im not sure we even tried that and it didnt worked.
Hope you re going to come back to this thread some time.
We didnt tried that the host finishes first every time though. Maybe that could help?