korotama: As the title says, I have this flickering issue with the fog of war in Icewind Dale 2 whenever I'm scrolling around with my mouse. I've tried both integrated and nVidia graphics, various fixes etc. but haven't had much luck. It's literally the only thing that needs fixing before I can start enjoying my playthrough. Any new insights lately? Tips are very welcome.
ZFR: You're talking about the original game, not EE, right?
I had the same problem on Windows 7. In the game's settings (the one outside the game with a separate exe) disable hardware acceleration or enable it if it is disabled. I forgot which one worked for me.
Yeah, that's right. As far as I know IWD2 hasn't been enhanced to this day. I believe I've tried enabling hardware acceleration but the game sets it back to 0 in the .ini file as soon as I run it. It may be because of the fixes I have installed (DDWrapper etc.). Regardess, I'll have another look tomorrow morning I guess. Go raibh maith agat, a chara.