Ralackk: Do you have a fancy mouse with its own drivers?
I use a Logitech Trackman Wheel. It is not fancy, has 2 buttons and a wheel. It has never required any extra drivers, I just plug it in and it works. I have never had any issues with any of the other games that I play with my mouse. I have tested with and without mods and it crashes with both settings. I have tried full screen and windowed and it also crashes with both.
Somewhat of an update on this. When I scroll the mouse wheel down in the game, it scrolls up and vice versa. When I get to the end of a list while scrolling if there is no more room to scroll up or down, and I try to accidentally because the damn thing scrolls backwards, it shrinks the game to a little black box in the corner of my desktop and refuses to respond.
I can't be the only person that has ever had this happen, but all my searches are starting to make me think so >.<