SirAlastor: Ah, good to know then. I guess I'll stick to the English version since it also features Harlan Ellison's voice.^^
Thanks for clearing this up, though!
JudasIscariot: Yeah I figured as much. I initially was worried about us including the French and German versions since I thought they were broken because of the censorship. Well, you can play from start to finish but you won't get the best ending in the game :/
This is probably a bit late and presumably irrelevant by now, but I have just finished the German version of the game, with the good ending, no less. It is indeed possible, because you don‘t actually need Nimdok to activate the bridge in the last sequence. Even though he is the only one who knows the password right away, the others can simply guess it. Just try entering codes at random two or three times and the character, which in my case was Gorrister, will say something like „Didn‘t AM mumble something about 1945?“ and the correct answer will be available. I even had all the items that are required to shut down all parts of AM and get the good ending.
All of this was rather weird, because everywhere I looked, it‘s claimed that this is impossible in the German version. The only reason I even played through the entirety of this version was the fact that several sources are contradicting each other in this regard. Some sites say that it can‘t be finished at all, while according to others, such as the above post by JudasIscariot and wikipedia, only the best ending is locked out due to the censorship. As it turns out, neither one of these seems to be accurate. Either that, or Night Dive Studios tinkered with some of the event flags (to get the required items) for the re-release, which seems unlikely to me.
So, in short: Yes, the censored German version is "winnable" with the good ending. Maybe this information will be of use to someone out there.