darktjm: OK, sorry. And while I do agree that VIIR has misfeatures, such as the lack of a proper save system (easily worked around, actually, to the point that it becomes "save anywhere you want" instead),
MarkoH01: Could you tell me more about this workaround you mentioned?
Standard save scumming techniques, combined with the fact that every time you enter VR mode, it saves the game (thus "save anywhere"). In my case, I wrote my own generic launch wrappers for all of my games, and they can be easily configured to save the current save file(s) elsewhere. I have a global hotkey that uses this to save or restore the current save file(s) and adjust a counter. For the currently running game, if it is configured for save scumming, lshift-lwin-S saves and increments slot, lshift-lwin-R restores slot - 1, lshifth-lwin-A and Z incement and decrement the slot number, repsectively (you'd probably want Q and W for azerty), and X notifications tell me what it's doing. Outside of the game, I can copy the current or auto-slotted saves to named saves, and vice-versa, using the launcher script's command line options This is all on Linux, so it probably isn't something you can copy directly (and it uses my own layout and desktop config, so even if you were using Linux, it probably wouldn't work directly). Note that I use an overlay filesystem so that writable files are kept separately, which is why it saves .Megadimension... (that is the writable part of the overlay). So, here's my mnep component (the rest is at
# technically only SAVELIST* and SYSTEMSAVE*, but may as well get everything
# since global and local saves are separate, I'm not supporting game's save slots
# the only other files are .ini and .dxvk-cache
dir="$HOME/games/wine/mnep/.Megadimension Neptunia VIIR/resource/bin"
. /usr/local/share/save-slots.sh
. ${0%/*}/wine-game.sh
exec dogame dowine -S resource/bin/v2r_nosteam_en.exe